Laying egg questions.


New Member
So my female panther chameleon (Nora) started showing gravid colors 4 hours after mating my male (16 days ago). Separated them and been keeping an eye on her habits.

Today she started doing the dance like she wants her laying bin so I have a 20 gallon trash can with 15 inches of moist sand ready to go. Am planning to place her in it tomorrow, since she started doing the egg dance so late tonight.

Now, my question is: do I leave her in the lay bin over night? Or do I take her out and put her back in her cage at night? I've read both opinions but just trying to gather what actually works best and keeps her comfortable.

Also: I'm planning on hanging her night bulb (60 watt red) over the bin during the day to keep up some warmth without drying out the sand, plus using a dripper (I have an auto-mister for the cages). Also intend to hang her UVB light. But I must say, I've read both opinions about her needing light while laying as well. And should I put a branch in there for water to collect on?

One more thing. How long should I leave her in there? If I do keep her in there overnight, how should I check on her without disturbing her? I want her to feel safe so she will lay her eggs, but I don't want her left in there too long...

I've done a lot of reading, but so many opinions conflict with each other! Thanks in advance, guys. :)
Hi, there are a lot of methods and opinions on this :) personally I didn't have much luck with a garbage can. I find it easier to keep a 2 1/2gallon or 5 gallon of sand in there cage if that is possible. But I have read of people leaving them in over night. JannB has a laying bin blog if you haven't already read it, it may be helpful
I prefer to have an opaque container that is about 12" deep by 12" x 8" filled almost full of washed playsand in the chameleon's cage so that she has a place to dig to lay the eggs. This way you are less likely to miss the often subtle signs that she's ready to lay....and if you want/need to move her to the big bin you can do it once she has begun digging.

If she takes the average/normal number of days from mating until its time to lay the eggs (30ish days) then you will/might/would be keeping her in the bin for a couple of weeks since its not a good idea to keep disturbing the female by moving it back and forth.
So my female panther chameleon (Nora) started showing gravid colors 4 hours after mating my male (16 days ago). Separated them and been keeping an eye on her habits.

Today she started doing the dance like she wants her laying bin so I have a 20 gallon trash can with 15 inches of moist sand ready to go. Am planning to place her in it tomorrow, since she started doing the egg dance so late tonight.

Now, my question is: do I leave her in the lay bin over night? Or do I take her out and put her back in her cage at night? I've read both opinions but just trying to gather what actually works best and keeps her comfortable.

Also: I'm planning on hanging her night bulb (60 watt red) over the bin during the day to keep up some warmth without drying out the sand, plus using a dripper (I have an auto-mister for the cages). Also intend to hang her UVB light. But I must say, I've read both opinions about her needing light while laying as well. And should I put a branch in there for water to collect on?

One more thing. How long should I leave her in there? If I do keep her in there overnight, how should I check on her without disturbing her? I want her to feel safe so she will lay her eggs, but I don't want her left in there too long...

I've done a lot of reading, but so many opinions conflict with each other! Thanks in advance, guys. :)

I can't comment on the breeding, but I did want to point out that you should probably not use that red night light with your chams.

From my understanding chameleons *CAN* see red spectrum (unlike some other reptiles) and so will see the light all night..... a ceramic heat emitter emits heat but no light and may be more useful if your house drops below 60F at night

as for UVB, you don't need to bother with moving the light imo. the chams need UVB, but its not like food that they need EVERY day....if she doesn't get it for a day or two, she'll be fine. However, I say that with the assumption that there are no special needs during egg-laying time (I'm not familiar on the need for D3 in eggproduction/cycling).
Everybody does it a little diffrent.My self i use small a 2gal bucket that fits in the females enclosure.I replace one of the females plants with the laying bin 1/2 full of organic potting soil and sand mixed,and toss a piece of plastic vine on top of the laying soil.I put the laying bin in about 2weeks after breeding.I think putting a laying bin in there enclosure is less stressfull than removing the female and putting her in a bucket of dirt with a light. good luck and keep us posted.:D
Iv found any time you can avoid moving the female the better. I have a very shy female that will avoid digging when im even in the room. Probably just natural for them to want to be hidden during the egg laying. In cage 12"x12" bucket has worked for both my females for the last 2 years.
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