Light Bulb Replacement


I i'm really worried about my chameleon. He is a year old now and his heat bulb stopped working a few nights ago. I am unable to find the same lightbulb in any of the stores around me online or in person. I am wondering if there are any similar lightbulbs that are 75 W and an acceptable light for their eyes, etc. when I woke up this morning, he was near the bottom of his cage, and he has not done that in a long time and I am extremely worried... I bet it is from his heat lamp going out and not being able to sit in his usual spot, but I am really nervous about what to do...


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That plant light is going to make everything look blue/purple.

Just about any incandescent (or better halogen) will do. It doesnt need a lizard on the box. The only concern is the beam angle and heat spot is the same. Ive gotten 6 packs and some are brighter than others. As Elizaann2 says, a dimmer may help with tuning the new bulb.
That plant light is going to make everything look blue/purple.

Just about any incandescent (or better halogen) will do. It doesnt need a lizard on the box. The only concern is the beam angle and heat spot is the same. Ive gotten 6 packs and some are brighter than others. As Elizaann2 says, a dimmer may help with tuning the new bulb.
would this one be okay? he had that original plant light since i got him and it was perfect 85° for him, and it did not tint the light to be blue, but it did not last long.


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would this one be okay? he had that original plant light since i got him and it was perfect 85° for him, and it did not tint the light to be blue, but it did not last long.
the other one became unavailable when i was going to check out 🙄, but is this one okay?


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Thank you, what usually dictates if you use a 39 or 50 watt? His cage is almost 6 feet tall..

For me its room temp. a 39 watt is the same as a 60 watt normal bulb, and a 50 watt is the same light output as a 75 watt. And they have built in reflectors.

So honestly the best option might be to just get the 50 watt and move it farther away. This would increase the heat area.

Here is a single 50 watt, off centered:

And here is 3 39 watts in a row to create a heat area:

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