light coloring

Countryside Chams

New Member
so the last two days when i have gotten home from work and went to mist his enclosure he has been a very light color. as i am new to chams i am not sure if this is normal, or what the light coloring means. i might be overeacting but thought i would ask. any replies would be much appreciated. my setup is the panther package frm kammers, and he is about 3.5 months old(ambanja)
id have to say either he is too hot or he is going through a shed, if his temeratures are borderline high, drop them down a little bit, see if his coloration comes back, also give him a good extra misting, it will help in either case, shedding or overheating.
basking is 90_95 ambient is 70_75. he wasnt in the coolest part of his cage, he was in his small ficus under his basking branch. also i dont thuink he is about to shed, because he colors back up when hunting or moving around.
Sorry ....

Unless he's too hot.
What are your temps (ambient and basking) ?

My experiance is that when their too hot it is apparent that their too hot. Mouth gaping and stressed coloration. Maybe I just have four weird chams though.:confused: It's also fairly apparent when their about to shed with the opaque, cloudy skin and slow down of appetite. Just my 2 cents. David
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