Light & Heat Cycle Questions for Jackson's Chameleon


New Member
Hello! I was curious what a suggested (recommended) light timing cycle is for a Jackson's chameleon? I'm providing her with timed lighting of about 12 hours per day, a UVB 10.0 which is fairly elevated (8"-10") from the top climbing/basking areas of the enclosure. Our chameleon starts to get active around 6-615am each day, the light goes on around 645am, and then shuts off around 645pm. Usually our chameleon curls up and sleeps on branch around this time each evening, and her room in our home remains dark. We provide heat from a ceramic (light-free) bulb, this goes on around 530am and off around 530pm. Peak temps are around 85F, and the lower areas of the enclosure peak around 68-70F. Evening temps bottom out around 60F throughout.

One other question I have is about lighting- natural 'window' lighting which comes in from the side of the tank throughout the day. I have attached a picture to illustrate where the light comes in- although the picture does not represent the current structure of the branches and 'furniture' etc as we made some changes, added vines, etc during our last clean-out. I have observed our chameleon Ruby often spending time wandering aimlessly, trying to climb on the glass, etc, in the bottom corner of the tank, on the ground, when the sun is shining in that area. I have seen videos and read about the sensitivity that some chameleons have to light- and I was curious if anyone had any theories or similar experiences. I have noticed the peak temperatures around mid 70s when she does this in this area of the enclosure. I'm also reducing the light which peaks in now from these windows to see if it effects her behaviors...

Thanks for any advice or questions/followups.


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Why not use a normal house bulb instead of the ceramic ? that would seem like something obvious to try if its trying to get to a light source.
Thanks for the reply- my concern is more that she has too much light from different directions than not enough. The UVB 10.0 seems adequate (and maybe excessive?) and the window light is ever-present.
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