

New Member
ok so i wanted to get my 7 month old veiled a reptisun 10.0 because the cage i built has pretty fine screen and also is kinda far from the light. so i went to buy a linear bulb and i was talking to a guy about the coil repti suns. the newest ones. and he was saying that the out put on these one aren't over the recommended amount so it won't be bad for the chams eyes. I have also heard that the new ones are fine and it was the old ones that went far above UVB recommendations and would burn the eyes. any thoughts.
new ones are fine, they have done a lot of reinventing, but still some uncommon brands should be avoided, also, previous model productions should be avoided. could you take a picture of your enclosure? im guessing you have a reptarium? please post a pic, some 5.0 are fine for reptariums and other fine mesh screening.
i built it :) but yea i will have to take a pic tonight when i get home thank you for your help
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