Lighting for Large Cage?


New Member
I was wondering if anyone has some good perspective for the lighting in the cage I'm building. It's 6'6" tall and my plants will reach to about 5'5". It is also 4 ft wide. I am stuck between getting either the ReptiSun 5.0 UVB 36" lights or the Zoo Med PowerSun UV Mercury Vapor Lamp 100W. Only people with experience with one or both of these lighting options please!
I don't know how helpful I will be. I have a cham that has a room that is 14 x 17, I have a 48" repti-sun 10.0 hanging on the ceiling. Lenny goes to sit under the uvb but not a often as I would like. I use the 10.0 as it has better penetration than the 5.0 He has had his free range for a while and has shown no problems. The UVB light and heat are in one place but he doesn't care a lot about either. I assume he drinks from his misters or his dripper because his urate is chalk white. But I never see him drink. Hopes this helps.
Don't forget to check out sight sponsor Light Your Reptiles. I recently purchased a 36" setup with reptisun 5.0 and naturesun full spectrum lighting combination, and my whole enclosure looks so much better. Both the cham and plants seem to be enjoying it.
For the plants I also recommend one or two 5000k daylight bulbs to brighten up the cage and aid the plants. I have a 5'x4'x2.5' cage and have 3 5000k lights and the one Reptisun 5.0.
t-5's are good too

Don't forget to check out sight sponsor Light Your Reptiles. I recently purchased a 36" setup with reptisun 5.0 and naturesun full spectrum lighting combination, and my whole enclosure looks so much better. Both the cham and plants seem to be enjoying it.

Many Thanks. :)

I was just going to add the High output T-5's really pack a wallop as far as light and UV go.

Arcadia's new T-5 bulbs are the bomb. period. :cool:
They are catching on like wildfire the UK and Europe.

Folks can use the HO t-5 fixtures commonly used for reef tanks (most are real nice ... they are kind of pricey) for t-5 ho bulbs...
or HIGH OUT PUT T-5 fixtures used by the indoor gardening crowd... available at your local indoor gardening centers or online/ eBay.
**you can NOT use the Nominal Output NO t-5 units like zilla or wall mart/ home depots low output under-cabinet slim T-5 slim fixtures.**

I use the Zoo Med UVB Power Sun Mercury Vapor lamp for my large enclosure at heats and gives UVB all in one... Its strong but great for large enclosures
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