lights for a Bearded dragon


New Member
i probably could have asked this up in the other section but the light are for a dragon and i love following some rules lol. so i recently decided that my dragon needs some more UV lights for his tank. He only had a small bulb that was on the hot side of his tank. I went out today and bought this i have seen some people trashing it and some others saying its good. So i have decided to come here the only place i can find people with a better response than "no that lights gay".
if any one knows of a good brand of heat light that i can use at night for my little guy that wont keep him awake let me know(it can get a bit chilly inside at times lowest temp i have seen was 68)
Probably the red ones? Not sure, because I have never given my 11-year-old bearded dragon a heat source at night. And the desert gets cold at night, right?
Probably the red ones? Not sure, because I have never given my 11-year-old bearded dragon a heat source at night. And the desert gets cold at night, right?

some people have told me not to let it get under like 65f and some say that its not bad so i don't know what to think. so im just trying to find a good brand so i know what to buy a head of time if i really need one. the main thing im looking for right now is if that light stick is a good kind or if i just need to take it back. i also found it funny that while in the pet store there are tube lights that are 20watts and no light fixture made for reptiles goes up to 20 watts. -.-
Hey there-

some people have told me not to let it get under like 65f

Those people don't know what they are talking about.

I do a fair bit with bearded dragons. They can go waaay cooler at night than most would guess. As in pretty darn close to freezing.

I recommend 50 as a very safe low point- but in truth, I know from experience they can go far lower than that without any problem whatsoever.

I feel wrong recommending lower than 50 to you- better safe than sorry- especially if someone reads this and isn't doing a good job already and has lizards with poor immune system function or something, but in truth- I keep mine outdoors nights down to about 40 the past couple falls and have never had a problem yet (had a few hundred counting both adults and babies out this year with a number of nights well down into the 40s without problems for any of them). I am very comfortable with 40 as my current cutoff temperature for bringing mine indoors- but like I just said- less comfortable recommending that to others as I don't know what might happen with a poorly kept dragon. But I am very comfortable recommending 50 as a safe point for nights- I've done that for many many years with many many dragons.

Kind of puts that silly 65 point into perspective.

My personal opinion is that lizards are kind of like bonzai trees- they are stronger and healthier when given a reasonable amount of natural environmental variation. Kept warm all the time especially when sleeping at night I don't think is so good for them and I don't think they rest as well.
You do no need a night bulb if your house temps don't drop below 65 but if they do a ceramic light bulb the Zoomed makes and other companies. Dragons "supposedly " cannot see red colors, i do not believe this, i believe every reptile can but any ways, Zoomed Reptisun 10.0 is the best IN STORE brand bulb but the Arcadia 12.0 seem to be brighter and throw off more uv rays and it's brighter. I don't use any special heat bulb besides a 75 watt house bulb with newspaper around my tank and that does the trick. Hope this helps :)
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