Lights too powerfull?


New Member
Well, I'm thinking about getting a pair of pygmy chameleons for my vivarium. I'm running 4, 40 watt, 6500k bulbs, to keep my broms alive, and all of my other live plants. I'm wondering if this will harm the chameleons? I plan on replacing 1 of the bulbs with a UVB bulb, so that will take some of the 6500k off. But still, that's 120 watts of 6500k bulb on them. What do you guys think?
Pygmy chams like temps 70-75 daytime and about ten degrees cooler at night. They like 70 percent humidity, no basking bulb, and little or no UVB. They are forest floor dwellers, and so shady, cool (compared to other reptiles) and humid and a little damp works for them. The only lighting we have on our pygmys is 1 small 2.0 UVB lamp, about 15" long on a large 55 gal tank. I have been told that temps of 80 degrees can kill them. Lack of humidity will cause eye problems and shedding problems, for starters.

It would be better to design a vivarium especially for the pygmy chams, and then decide what appropriate plants to place in there.
Plants arent really a problem, I have a bunch of 10 gallons that all the plants from my 55 will go. It's just that I have to use the bulbs that are above the 55 now, to go above the 3-4 ten gallons. So until I get the UVB bulb, I'm going to have to wait. Do you think my tank will be sufficient?
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