Little bumps...


New Member
So I think that this is normal, but I just wanna make sure...

My baby cham has like tiny pen tip sized bumps on his ribs sometimes. It looks like his ribs stickin out or something a lil bit. Nothing big or discolored. Is this normal?
ok ill try! its only when hes like skinny, not puffy. Like when he's relaxed... so as soon as i approach him for a pic, he'll puff lol
Ok i was able to get clear pix of the lil bumps I noticed last week~

Plz let me know ur input and if this may be anything to worry about!


Broken (and healed )ribs due to metabolic bone disease. Are you using a good (not all are good) UVB bulb? What about calcium with D3?

These are a very common sign of early/moderate MBD. The ribs are usually very flexible, but when MBD sets in, they become brittle and crack easily. when they heal, they end up looking like that.

If you dont' have some already, get REP-CAL wiht D3, or MINER-ALL with D3 - I wouldn't use anything else, simply because I know these work! Other similar sounding products have uneven records, and many are just worthless.
ah, something I haven't seen yet. Thanks.

It's been my experience that these bumps are associated with MBD. Very interesting. It's again, one of those cases where the symptoms are similar for having too little or too much of a vitamin!

This would likely be the cause if the poster HAS been giving D3.
but i took him to the vet 2 wks ago when I got him and the vet said he was gorgeous and perfect... omg guys now im freaking out :( He's so healthy and happy and .. viscious! lol hes ok right?!
I dust my crix in reptive with calcium d3. And the uvb blub may be a lil old so i'll go buy a new one right now
Broken (and healed )ribs due to metabolic bone disease. Are you using a good (not all are good) UVB bulb? What about calcium with D3?

These are a very common sign of early/moderate MBD. The ribs are usually very flexible, but when MBD sets in, they become brittle and crack easily. when they heal, they end up looking like that.

If you dont' have some already, get REP-CAL wiht D3, or MINER-ALL with D3 - I wouldn't use anything else, simply because I know these work! Other similar sounding products have uneven records, and many are just worthless.

eric i dont think this is true, i have seen these these bumps on young chameleons that were fed supplemented food about a week after they were born and under ubv lights the day they were born.
Ok guys im like freaking out for real now and kinda in tears... I'mk paranoid when it comes to all my pets, I want to make sure I'm doing whats best fro him and honestly i trust u guys more than the vet. I love my vet and all, but it's $40 and he's just gonna tell me what u guys say...

So could this really be something serious? What else should I look for??? i'll get more pix
Well, to make matters more confusing, I've seen chameleons raised in the full sun of Florida develop MBD - severe MBD. In fact, the only MBD I've experienced was from babies I ordered from a breeder in florida. they were raised in sunlight.

I recieved them at one month of age and they were big enough to eat 3/4 inch crickets.

I was worried that they might be growing a bit fast, and it was summer, so I raised them with sunlight just about every day. Within a month, they were huge - easily able to eat adult crickets, and then some. At the 2 month mark, they went to jelly - full on MBD. Skulls soft, bowed legs, bumps on the ribs, deformed casque. One recovered fully, and I was able to straighten out her casque. Couldn't tell the difference.

The other was so bad after she "recovered" she was unable to eat. The bones that support her tongue were deformed. It was terrible.

I did some research, and found this was actually common. I spoke to Liddy Kammer, and they'd seen the exact thing. Some breeders will feed their baby veileds so much, they grow too fast for the bones to keep up. Liddy even saw some baby veileds raised outdoors 24/7 come down wiht MBD. They were given access to food round the clock.

In the above case, if the supplements are good (I dont' know that particular brand), I suspect what kinyonga brought up - sounds likely. A good way to check the CURRENT state of the chameleon's bone strength is to try - gently - to wiggle the casque back and forth. If it doesnt' budge, odds are it's fine. If it moves, and it's NOT a growing animal, chances are there's soem calcium issue.

You have to remember, properly caring for these things in such an artificial environment isn't a simple matter. Simply giving supplements and using UVB doesn't mean it'll be fine - you have to ensure it's Good UVB in proper levels, and the supplementation can't be any brand - in fact, I've read labels, and the majority of brands out there simply will not cut it.

They either have too much vitamin A, too low of a Calcium/phosphorus ratio, too little D3, etc. That's why I use 4 different supplements.

One calcium with D3, one calcium without, one multivitamin with preformed A, and one without(herptivite).
Reptivite with Vitamin d3 for calcium (for crix)

Reptiglo 5.0 tropical for Flourescent (uvb)

His casque is perfectly straight and fixed into his lil head...

Here are more pix from today of the lil bumps



I really hope this isnt wat u guys say it is :(
There's a potential issue - reptivite. It's a multivitamin, right? I used reptivite, and if the formula is the same, it's not adequate by itself. It doesn't (well, it DIDN'T) contain the proper balance of vitamis and minerals. Ulness they've completely changed it, you'll need more than that.

Also, I dont' know what the output of that UVB bulb is - get a zoomed 10.0 or 5.0 tube - they are MUCH better. Many of the other brands don't really do much for the animal at a significant distance from the bulb.

Does your reptivite have a lost of the contents? If so, how much vitamin A, D3, phosphorous and calcium does it contain?
Is it possible that they could be a subcutaneous parasite. I'm not expert but it's rerally worth looking into....
No, you should be using a UVB bulb for the day time, and when you dust, use a phosphorous-free calcium supplement WITH D3. now, you probably shouldnt dust every day. Depends on age and size.

I think th eUVB bulbs have people a bit confused sometimes. Their power isnt' really strong, and is not a substitute for the sun. UVB bulbs alone are not good enough. You need to give the animal a proper balance of nutrients. The wrong balance, and all the UVB in the world isn't going to do much good.

You need proper amounts of vitamin A and D3, and a proper calcium to phosphorous ratio. If your supplement has improper levels, you will have problems. The main issue is phosphorous. Many brands have too much phosphorous.
So I took sobe to the vet today and great news!!

No parasites and he's in perfect health. The doc said the bumps are little yeast deposits, so I he gave me a topical ointment to apply once dailt until the bumps disappear!!! I'm so happy/relieved!!!
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