Little guy is on the mend!


New Member
Hey all, I posted a few weeks ago.. practically daily letting you all know how my 2mo mailed veiled wasn't eating. Thanks for all the advice, because yesterday was a milestone. He finally ate 3 silkworms by himself (I've had the luxury of trying to force feed him his medicine and supplement mixture, which is a nightmare because of his size.) Looks like it is finally paying off, though! That and (thanks so much!) to Laurie, I finally got some syringes so I can just inject the feeders since he appears to finally being able to hunt for his food. Let me tell you for all the newbies like me.. Parasites are no joke. Espicially with a new kind of pet. Luckily, though, I found a decent vet and have a ton of patience with bringing things back (I'm a marine bio student and am the lucky guardian of many a strange injured critter.) First time with a chameleon, and I'm sure I lost about 2 years off my life stressing, but looks like things are finally turning around!

Thanks again!
Aww, congrats! Im really glad to hear that it worked out for you, and that your cham is going to live a nice, great life! :)
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