Little help 2.


New Member
Well its been a few days and the baby jackson still is lethargic. I havnt seen him eat or drink. The flies and pinhead crickets are still at the same count as when I entered them into his habitat. 3 and 3. Is it wise to try and force feed him? Another thing I finally did see some poo and it was as described in other threads a healty one. I just wondered if I am worrying for no reason, he is very young and I might be expecting to much movement and such from him. Once again thanks for all the help!! IMN3W.
What are his temps at? You don't want to keep baby Jackson's too high at all. I would also try to put more food in there. 3 things might not be enough action for him to get excited about eating.
Doesnt look good

Well things have taken a turn for the worse for my lil guy. He has turned a whiteish color and not moving around at all. I am trying per vet request to give food through suringe but things dont look good at all. This lil guy has only been around for a couple of days but for my first reptile it pulls at my heart strings.
Sorry to hear about your baby Jackson. I always wanted to get a Jackson and am planning to. One thing that I've learned, is that we should start out with adult or a little pre-adult ages because baby ages demand a lot of care and attention. That happened to me with a baby pygmy.
is it in a little cage where it can easily see the prey?

i sprinkle lots (like 100 or so for my 10 babies) of prey over my babies so that the food lands in front of their face.

mine turn beige (dirty white) when they sleep - maybe yours is doing the same?

i was told, or read somewhere, that they will absorb some water thru their skin - so misting would help keep them hydrated - even though they aren't drinking.

i have my fingers crossed for you
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