Little Lard Butt =]


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So Jasper is going crazy I think. He eats 8-9 crickets a day. Today was like no other I put crickets in his bowl at around 10. When I spray at 3:00 I take the bowl down and see how many he ate. Well today there were no more crickets in the bowl. So I did not hang the bowl back up I just left in on the bottom of the cage. Well I happened to walk by and I saw Jasper on the lowest branch shooting into the bowl. I thought maybe there was a cricket in there. Nope nothing. I didnt want to put anymore crickets in there because I dont know if you can over feed your cham or if they would stop once they were full. This is the first time I have ever seen him do this. Is this weird?
8 to 10 crickets might not be enough for a growing boy. How old is he now? I can remember Luie eating 12 to 15 a day when he was young.
He is 3 months I believe I have had him for 2 months and he has shed twice. Would he over eat? Or would he stop once he has had enough?
Well I get medium crickets but this batch was a lot smaller than normal. So I will just use these up and put a few more in there! Thanks Jann you are always a great help!!
hi renzo,

yeah, when my guy was that young, I gve him about 10-12 crickets a day depending on size.
if a bit small, then I would just give him 2 or 3 extra to make up for it.

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