Live plant help!


New Member
Ive decided to put live plants in my panthers viv. Im aware i need to repot them to organic compost and give the leaves a good wash!

However ive started to repot and there are so many roots crammed in that it is impossible to get all the little fertiliser balls out from in between the roots without snapping them. So ive got out what i can and re potted in coco fibre. Will this be good enough? Im worried that the locusts will eat the plants and i dont know how harmful it would be to my panther :/
I know the care is different between Panthers and Veileds, but I have a Veiled and I don't see him having any problem with the bugs eating the plants (or him for that matter).
Get off as much as you can. Wash all leaves with warm water and soap. Re-pot in organic soil. Cover soil with river rocks, and you should be good to go. :)
The problem i have though is that i cant get all the fertiliser from the roots does that matter? Is it ok to get off what i can?
When I re-potted my schefflera I had the same issue. There were those tiny fert beads that were deep in the roots. I couldn't get them all, and have not had any issues.
I was having the same concern. I took off as much as I could and made sure to cover the top of the plant with new soil about 2 inches deep. Then covered with rocks that I boiled.
I just got a full Hawaii schefflera good size. It is so thick I don't think Jewel will be able to get to the soil at all??? But if I am worried do I or should change the soil??
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