live plants uk

I get mine from B&Q, Lidl or a local garden centre. Best ones are Ficus (Weeping Fig), Pothos (labelled as Devil's Ivy in B&Q) and Schefflera Arboricolor (Umbrella plant). The weekly offer in Lidl is usually very good when it appears - I got 2 two 3ft tall plants for Monty a couple of months ago for £5 each! Just wash the leaves in soapy water and rinse well after, then either repot in an organic soil or place large stones over the soil so the chameleon can't eat any.
Thankyou i ordered some last night from terra world will defo look tho at lidel was scared to go to garden centers due to the chemicals. Our little one comes Xmas eve so making sure i have everything ready now just the lights so sort and were done :)
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