Lizard lunch are awesome


New Member
I bought Mia some nutri grubs from a site called lizard lunch, first time i've used the site anyway they give me or i should say Mia :D 25 free butter worms with my order. She's very much enjoying her new food. Its the first time she's had both of them. :p She may think im given her more wax worms because the nutri grubs look like them. :D Only thing is they are small, does anyone else feed nutri grubs to there yemens? I'm just wondering how many would be enough to feed her? I'm thinking of using them as her main food as they are full of calcium. I will still give her locusts and morio worms as she really loves them.
I buy from them occasionally. When they have more silkworms in stock I will order some butterworms and nutrigrubs too. I'm sure Tommy will LOVE butterworms as they looks like orange/red waxies and he will do anything for a waxy! If he had a choice I think he would eat waxies every day,lol! I don't let him though! If he refuses food then he obviously isn't hungry!
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