LLLreptile 2 x 2 x 4 aluminum cage


New Member
I ordered two of these and got one today. FEDEX is weird. Shipped same day in two separate packages, but I only got one and the other is coming tomorrow. What pisses me off is the picture shows that it is a silver aluminum color. The description states it is charcoal and then the receipt says it is black. Well it's brown. The door is too short also. It doesn't look good because it is a quarter inch too short where I could see crickets escaping. Anyone else have this issue? Plus I wish they designed the bottom nicer. Should have been screened also and then give you the board with it to go on top to help with keeping insects in and not in your house. I bought this because everyone on here says they are sweet. I'm not sure how to post a PIC on the thread as I would love to show you the retarded gap from the top piece on the front to the door. Did I just get a crappy one or does everyone else have this same issue and just do not care?
I actually just placed an order in for one of these. Now you've got me worried:eek:. Did you try telling them about the issue maybe they'll do an exchange for you, considering it is defective. The few people I've seen that bought these types of cage had no complaints as far as I know. Be really interesting to hear other buyer inputs.
I literally just put it together like an hour ago and I did email them. Waiting to hear back. Maybe I am pickier than most, but I have a feeling they are all this way. I've searched for a few pictures of the same cages on this forum and I see the same gap on some of the pics. I don't find this acceptable. It looks bad. It should all be level. Over time this will also cause the hinges to wear out because the door is never sitting flush with the other panels.
The door is too short also. It doesn't look good because it is a quarter inch too short where I could see crickets escaping.

Plus I wish they designed the bottom nicer. Should have been screened also and then give you the board with it to go on top to help with keeping insects in and not in your house.

I have the problem with the door being a bit short, the screws are a bit loose as well but I bought the cage used.. I doubt that helped.

The bottom's PVC is a bit odd size wise as well. Sometimes it's just a bad cage.
I actually decided to go with this cage because I didn't hear anything bad about them.:eek: From what you said about the bottom what did it actually come with?
I've had zero troubles with my LLL cage yet.
I knew what to expect in color cause I have seen one before.

It assembled great, just follow the directions. At least that is all I did.
I've had zero troubles with my LLL cage yet.
I knew what to expect in color cause I have seen one before.

It assembled great, just follow the directions. At least that is all I did.

This gap that hes talking about does your cage have it also? And I'm curious about the bottom what is it exactly is it only pvc? or is it mesh as well?
All of my cages are from LLL. I have zero issues. The door is meant to be smaller than the opening at the top and bottom of the door. That is what the white plastic strip is for, to cover the opening and keep the door from swinging into the cage. I have zero crickets escaping from my cages (except the one with two holes in the screen... purchased used for 12 bucks :D)

I would give them a call, They are a sponsor of this site and if you were to contact them, I am sure they would take care of your concerns. :D

As for your bottom not fitting right and the top of the door.... sounds kinda weird. Maybe you got some miss matched parts? Also... screen bottom is baaaddddddd news. People on the forum have built them this way and they build up with gunk...
Mitsio 3.0

I ordered 2 from them supossed to both be silver got one silver n one grey but r good cages. Ordered a digital powerblock that didn't work n sent me a new one right away. Good customer service.
Yes-I also have many LLL cages and they are all problem free and no crickets esape. Sounds like you got a bad one. The black or charcoal ones always seem to be the brown color.
The gap at the bottom of the door is a planned part of the cage, and the white plastic strip will stop any escapees. If it is not bug tight, LLL will give you a new cage. If you don't like the look of the gap being bigger on the hinge side than the latch side, another cage won't satisfy you.The door's weight creates the gap you hate, so it isn't going away.
My guess is the manufacturer did the door at one time to fit perfectly, and the door rubbing against the lower frame when closing/opening became an issue. Otherwise they would not go to the expense and time to add the white plastic strip.
The bottoms do contain crickets, worms, clean up easily, and screen is NOT a good solution-been there, done that.:D

I have 3 LLL cages and no issues with any. I will still buy cages from them as I feel they are good value for the price. I ordered all black and received all black, guess I was lucky. I would definitley contact them, they have great customer service.
LLL will exchange it if you aren't happy with it. I know all of those guys there, and they are not out to get anybody. Just let them know and they will take care of it.
I know that LLLreptile has good customer service and would take them back, but shipping them back is a pain and costs money.

The gap on mine is worse than the pics I have seen of other cages on the forum. I don't agree with the people saying that it is supposed to be like that because of the white supports. The supports are only there so that the door shuts flush without going into the cage. That is there purpose. Mine is off from the bottom about an 1/8" which is acceptable, but the top is off by a 1/4" to 1/2" which is very unacceptable because it looks like crap for one and it is such a big gap that on the edge of the white stopper there is a hole on the edge. Lastly it will cause wear of the cheap hinges over time because the door is always hanging and not resting on anything. It wouldn't have been hard to make the door a 1/4" longer.

The bottom they should at least give you a thicker PVC that could actually support some weight. Before I got on this forum I bought my 1st cage on ebay because I didn't know where to go and it was a Magnetic style cage with latches that hold the cage together. But the biggest one they sold was 16 x 16 x 30. The design of the bottom was nice. It was a thick pvc built into the bottom and it is a laminate piece where it washes nice and shiny. The LLL style ones is more like a piece of cardboard than pvc. I don't think it can hold a pot in there without a bowing effect where the edges of the board would pop up. If not screen as you guys say you would have to agree that it should at least be a thicker piece of PVC and have it built into the bottom panel. Like screwed in or punched in with a rivet or something. Not just a board that goes in there.

If they have multiple colors they should give you the option to choose rather than ship random different colors. I am curious to see the 2nd one that is coming today if it is the same color or different. If it doesn't match one will definitely get returned.

I do admit for the price it cannot be touched, but I believe people should know about these issues as some people will care more about these issues than the price.
I have nothing supporting my PVC but the frame itself, as it sits on raised bricks under the actual frame.

I have 2 very heavy bonsai ceramic pots sitting inside of the cage with no problem.

I think you may be over exaggerating the problems.
I am posting my opinion. I am not overexaggerating anything. If I can figure out how to post pictures on the forum I will post pictures of the gap. It's bad. There should also be screws on the lower bottom front piece that screws into the bottom. All I know is I am going to reinforce the bottom and make it thicker.
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