

New Member
Greetings folks,
I live in Washington State. We had sun yesterday so I took the opportunity to mow. While mowing, I noticed all the grasshoppers out, and knowing how quickly fall with come in, I decided to go ahead and catch some. My "Little Josh" (formerly known as Bitzy) is way too small to eat them... I thought I'd try my hand at breeding them.

I've read a few articles, and watched a few YouTubes, but would welcome some advice- especially on how to make a container that makes it servicable without them all jumping out.

Also, noticed you can't buy them here in the U.S. like you can in U.K. and wondering if there are laws or something...
i think the laws have to do with not spreading non native species of grasshopper or locust into different parts of the US because of how dangerous they can be to farms and what not in different areas. Sucks for me because i live in suburban Los Angeles and there are no grasshoppers or locust anywhere around here
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