WOOOHOOOO so i came home from work today and took my shower like everyday so i check the incubator and lombardi"s clutch i see movement i hadnt check them yesterday but had on mon an nothin well today wed theres nine walkin around gettin things settled pics to follow....
sorry i hadta get them in there bin when i first counted there was 9 got things ready put thme in there bin and went to my daughter so course she hadta see the eggs and 2 more so we wen got some fruitflys come bk one more and more pokin out, i just talk to joe hes stoked as am i im eat real quick then its picture time... bb
ok im caught up so i took a few pics, sorry yall that have been thru this all before its my first an omg they are so cute ill get more pics prolly tomarrow as they seem to want to hide now, but i got a few here they are...
I can't tell you how excited I am!!! I have been waiting for Lombardi Babies for quite a while....
First off to sort of explain my absence... I have been going through a lot of personal stuff... I made a move away from where I was living... and was forced to temporarily part with my Chams and my hobby, because of living arrangements. Rob was cool enough to help me out so I would not have to say bye to my whole collection forever... But unfortunately that meant missing out on this awesome event which I waited so long for. I will be heading out to your place soon Robbie that is for sure... These eggs were the product of an almost 7 1/2month oxytocin induced laying... and from what it sounds like they are all doing great which I could be more ecstatic about... I just wish I was there enjoy their first few moments.
You have no idea how much I miss Lombardi and the crew... Things are in the works to get some of my Herps back soon though I hope... I am really happy they are with Robbie and Tiff though... I know what a good job they are going to do with them until I can take the burden off there hands... It really was a relief to have a place for them to go when I couldn't take them with me.
Anyway... Long first post back... Here is a shot of the deed that started all this... lol...
And how bout one of the stud himself for old times sake...
BTW... I know Lombardi was extremely pissed about that Packer game on Sunday... Booooo!!!
Good to be Back...
EDIT: OMG!!!! Those pics make me want to cry!!! I waited so long to see this!!! I almost want to drive out tonight!!! Take care of my Babies Robbie!!! I know you will...
trust me joe it hasnt been any burden at all lombardi has changed my mind about vields, lol as i told you in the begining panthers only, theres 13 out and walkin around joe with more heads startin peek out so ill keep ya posted but ya can see from the few pics i did take they are really cute....
just alil update so far theres 16 lil ones and few more lil green spots stratin poke thru the eggs more pics later today when i get home from work, i already cant wait to get off work.
Glad to see them and have an update on Lombardi! Congrats to all involved (especially the lady who laid the eggs and has probably long since forgotten it)
I was reminiscing at what went into these babies. Juli produced an Amazing clutch from which I purchased Lombardi a couple years back... I received him when he was 2.5 months and about 12 grams. The female I got from a pet shop at about 4 months old when she was in pretty bad shape... Both Lombardi and Sookie his mate developed into exceptional looking veileds.. So once they were both mature and established I mated them... The first clutch from these two was lost to a major temp spike about 3 months into incubation. I was really bummed about that. The second clutch almost never was when she failed to lay it after over 2 months of gestation, until I decided to use Oxytocin which worked just like it was supposed to... and she dropped huge plump white eggs...
A couple months ago when Robbie picked up my animals and eggs when I was moving... I knew I was parting eggs that would be hatching soon... which was definately the hardest part. I know they're in good hands ... But damnit... A lot of you know how long I have been waiting to post this thread and pics... Lombardi is my Pride and Joy... I have been wanting to produce babies from him for a while... I am so happy they are finally here, and I am jazzed to hear how good they are doing. It kills me that I couldn't be there to watch them hatching and care for the neonates... Bitter sweet for me for sure.
Robbie gimme a call Today when you get a chance...
That's really awesome for all of you!! How great it is to see new life entering the world!! (I always say "welcome to the world, little guy!" to every one of my babies whether it be chams or geckos. I know that makes me sound like a dork, but whatever....)