Looking for Ambilobe Panther.

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New Member
I just recently lost my female veiled of 3 years, and am looking into getting a male Ambilobe panther. Any suggestions or tips on panthers? Thanks!
I am new to the Chameleon community as well, but we've had ours for a few months now. We have an Ambanja and a Ambilobe/Nosy. All I can say is research EVERYTHING before you buy! I pretty much did all of the research, I went onto every site I could find to make sure I knew how everything was suppose to be set up. I asked a lot of questions to the store where I purchased our 1st. Our 1st cham was a surprise for my bfriend. So I had to make sure I knew what I was doing before I bought him. Then after we got use to the whole idea, and were comfortable with caring for one, we made our second purchase. Just research as much as possible, and remember, no question is a stupid question when it comes to caring for some else's life! ;)
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