looking for mate


New Member
I am looking for a mate for my female veiled i live in the tucson area anyone willing to mate please let me know
Third time lucky maybe?:) Hello again If you don't mind me asking again, have you bred Chameleons before? And as she's so young has she laid a batch before? Breeding can be a big strain on her, so it's best to make 100% sure she's ready.....I know being patient can be difficult but my 8 month old girl just layed her first infertile batch, so I'm still going to be waiting at least a few months until she's ready to mate.
any suggestions how i should go about it?

No real way, just wait. It'll probably happen eventually. Its a lot easier though to make a thread when your cham is ready to do it. Not a lot of people are going to want to wait around 4-6 months.
she is about 7 months so should she be ready soon?

She will probably show receptive colours when she is ready. Look out for little light blue spots/ patches.......if you wait until she has done this, without mating her, then cut her food a bit (but give plenty of Calcium and water of course) while she is gravid (pregnant) you will hopefully get a manageable first clutch of infertile eggs. Best for her and best for you to wait until her second batch before you try to mate her........you will have seen all the signs from her before, so will know what to look for regards receptivesness, laying behaviour, etc.

Here are links to some good blogs for you, both with info on laying........


Depends on her......., the time of year, daylight, food intake, temps. Can be as little as 2 months (that would be rushing it a bit though....). 6 months would be a long time, if she's healthy. She'll usually only be happy to mate when she looks receptive, so let her decide, and have arrangements for mating and laying and incubating already planned out.
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