Looking to add Variety.


Hey Gang,

I looking to add some variety to my little Lucy's diet. She has been only getting dusted crickets (without D3 and sunday is the first day with D3 and vitamins and every 2 sundays going forward). and I want to try some worms etc..

I'll add a picture of Lucy and as you will see she is still very young. Should I provide worms at this age and if so what do you recommend?

Thanks in advance,



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Phoenix worms are great! Small, squishy, great source of calcium, and they're constantly wiggling and moving around. If you have the time, take a listen to the Chameleon Breeder podcast done by one of the site sponsers, Bill Strand. http://www.chameleonbreeder.com/ Besides just having great info, he's been doing a series of episodes on more exotic feeders.
I found a store with some horn worms. Gonna go grab some now. Thanks for the advice guys, much appreciated!
I got to the store but the only horn worms they had seemed wayto big to feed little lucy so I didnt get them :(

On a bright note ive been leave 4-5 crickets in the cage when I go to work. It seems shes been eating them as today I came home and only one was left. She has some droppings and they are brown with a white end (i forget the actual name) whuch I hear is a good sign shes eating and hydrated.
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