Loosing his spikes on back??


New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled, male, we've had him since he was about 6 weeks old and he is 1 year.
Handling - Handle most days, on his terms! He 'begs' at the front of his tank or comes out on to his trees when tank is open (his tank is usually open with vines to our indoor trees whenever we are home)
Feeding - Mainly medium locusts, occasional mealworm/beetle and wax worm as a treat. Locusts gutloaded with spinach/kale (whatever veggies we have in) also bug grub ang bug gel
Supplements - Repashy, used on all locusts every day
Watering - we have a monsoon that goes off every 3 hours for 12 seconds, recently been misting manually morning and night and also using the bottle to drop water on to him which he drinks.
Fecal Description - Usually black with white tip.
Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? No
History - none

Cage Info:
Cage Type - viva exotica chameleon viv. 49cm deep x 59cm wide x 90cm tall
Lighting - exoterra: one heat lamp, 1 UVB lights all on from 6am-6pm
Temperature - ambient temps about 20-22 degrees celcius with his basking spot at around 30-34. Night temps no less than 17.
Humidity - 50 - 60%
Plants - we have an umbrella tree in his tank and many plastic leaves.
Placement - On unit. Height of tank is about 4-5 foot off ground. opposite window. Not near any draughts or heating
Location - South UK

Current Problem - He is loosing his spikes. When he lost his first few we looked on here and found a thread with the exact same problem and the pictures that were taken were so similar to our problem that it could have been our chameleon. The advice was it was normal and not to worry.

Since then, we have noticed that the rest of his spikes (from base of neck to base of tail)are kind of clumping together. and kind of peeling off like a scab from the bottom? Any ideas what would cause this and how we can resolve it.

We have been given some iodine by a specialist and told to use that or salt water if it starts to weep but it hasn't. Underneith what has already fallen off there is no spines just healed skin. We thought it might have come off when he shed but it seems to be just getting stuck there. I have some shedding aid but unsure whether to use it as the skin is broken.

Will try and post a pic if i can.
Any ideas?
Pictures please, how long since you first noticed it? and could you post a link to the old thread on here?
yes, I would love to see the thread also as I cannot imagine anyone giving advice and telling you it is normal for them to loose their spikes. It is not normal. Their spikes will shed and it is ok for the shed to fall of the spike, but not the spike. They might loose one on occasion if they rub it on something, bu they just do not fall off for no reason. Is it possible your chameleons back is getting too close to the light and it is getting burnt? That is a possibility and I have seen it on here before where the spikes will deteriorate from that. I have also seen chameleons on here with some type of skin fungus where the spikes were rotting off. I would say those would be two scenerios that are possible.
yes, I would love to see the thread also as I cannot imagine anyone giving advice and telling you it is normal for them to loose their spikes. It is not normal. Their spikes will shed and it is ok for the shed to fall of the spike, but not the spike. They might loose one on occasion if they rub it on something, bu they just do not fall off for no reason. Is it possible your chameleons back is getting too close to the light and it is getting burnt? That is a possibility and I have seen it on here before where the spikes will deteriorate from that. I have also seen chameleons on here with some type of skin fungus where the spikes were rotting off. I would say those would be two scenerios that are possible.

I concur, I think the most likely culprit might be a burn or maybe a skin infection. The dorsal ridge of spikes should not just slough off!
I can not find the post after a quick look through but from other posts i think he may have been burnt. :(

We used to have a glass exoterra tank that we struggled to heat up to temp during the colder months and after insulating the sides etc didn't work we added an extra heat lamp. We monitored the temperature and realised it was getting much to warm for him and decided on buying a new tank instead.

His first few spikes fell off about a month ago whilst he was still in old tank. At this point we removed a bulb and raised it up buy i think the damage must have been done. :(

Should i use the salt water/iodine, will it get better with this and time or is a proper vet my best bet.
I'm sorry to hear that you think your Cham has a burn on his back, if he was mine I would take him to a vet. Popeye had a thermal burn a year ago which I left untreated. He is fine now but had to have a course of antibiotics and Flamazine applied to area for a long time..:)
Can you post a picture? Perhaps the members here and the vets can let you know if it looks like it can be healed on it's own or if you should see a vet.
Thank you
Will post one tonight when i get home.

I got him out to clean his tank out yesterday and it looks like the 'scab' is almost ready to come off. you can see under parts of it. There is one tiny droplet of what looks like dried blood/pus (kind of looks like eye dust) but nothing looks infected. Fingers crossed. Sadly he won't have any of his lovely spikes on that bit, i don't think. :(

He is eating/drinking/behaving normally although is still a little stressed from the tank move. Was happy for us to hold him and to sit on his tree.
If there is any pus then it is infected. Popeye had no symptoms apart from being quite a dull colour. He is a panther.
First instinct is that there is a burn, but if nothing has been changed with the enclosure and the basking area is consistent with what you have had, then this seems a bit unlikely unless he can get very close to it. This can occur sometimes if the cham climbs on the screen, but this would not affect the spikes. Is your lighting on top of the enclosure?

Second guess would be a fungal infection of some sort. For either of these issues you need a vet visit as soon as possible!

I found two threads for this issue, and one was not helpful due to not continuing through to an actual answer, and the other did not have the pictures still available. I would love to see some pics of the area and the enclosure to help with this issue!

My apologies for taking a long time with pics, we've been preoccupied with a family death :(

'Scab' is almost off now and looks like normal skin underneath.

Pics are 2 after and 1 before it happened.


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If it is a bit better than the pics look and you have raised his bulb up (lowered basking temps) then there isn't much else you can do.

I don't think cream would help very much at this point. You didn't take him to the vet I guess so just keep a really close eye on it to make sure it isn't infected and it doesn't get worse.
I am having this same issue. When I got him he was missing a large chunk of spikes and he just shed the first time while in my care and I noticed this morning when I fed him that more spikes are missing. I dunno where to go next. I would hate to think my little guy is sick. Karma is my Female and she is healthy as can be. Camo is the male and he is relatively new to my care. HELP!
I am having this same issue. When I got him he was missing a large chunk of spikes and he just shed the first time while in my care and I noticed this morning when I fed him that more spikes are missing. I dunno where to go next. I would hate to think my little guy is sick. Karma is my Female and she is healthy as can be. Camo is the male and he is relatively new to my care. HELP!
Hey there welcome to the forum. This is a really old thread. It would be easier for you to start your own thread so we can give you specific detailed info without it getting mixed up with this old thread.
Go here https://www.chameleonforums.com/forums/health-clinic.7/

Click Post thread. Fill it out and include pics in your post. We will be able to help you.
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