Losing Karma...

My sweet, little baby died on Oct. 3rd. Karma had been going through bouts of not eating in the last few months. Thanks to this forum, I received great tips on what to do. I followed them and he started to eat again only to eventually stop eating. It was odd because he would look at the food and seemed interested but he just wouldn't eat no matter what insect I put before him.

He was drinking more than usual and I figure that was due to his lack of protein. I noticed Karma was becoming a bit lethargic and at times, even a bit dizzy. I could see he was getting weaker and a visit to the vet was imminent.

At the vet, I must say I was unimpressed how he handled my baby. The moment the vet took him from my hands Karma immediately reacted aggressively. It took everything in my being not to grab Karma back and leave.
The vet asked if Karma was throwing up and I looked at him in bewilderment because Karma never had. I knew, instinctively, that there had to have been something with his stomach or digestive track that Karma knew himself and he must have known that eating was no longer an option.

Anyway, the vet did notice that Karma had the beginning stages of a mouth infection which the vet said could be due to too much moisture. I figured that was because he wasn't eating and was drinking more and more and staying in the cage when misting, which I had increased, hoping that the water would somehow make him get better.

The vet insisted that his not eating was due to the lack of UVB rays, which I know was not the case. Again, advice given to me here I know he had plenty of UVB which I changed regularly every 3-4 months. The vet gave us some "Sunshine" (vitamin D) and some food supplements as well as an antibiotic and two different creams for his mouth.

The moment we brought Karma home, we followed the vets instructions and not even an hour after, poor Karma had threw everything up. He threw up again the next day and he immediately had become so lethargic he wouldn't even move. I made a little bed for him with a pillow case so he could sleep in because he was so weak, he couldn't hold on to his branches strong enough anymore. By day 3, Karma succumbed and left us. He hadn't been able to swallow anything. I also was wondering why the vet gave us chicken stuff...it was on one of the labels...don't ask me now because I threw everything out hastily in my grieved state.

I was left so heart broken, my partner was unable to console me. It has been 16 days and I still cannot function properly. I am grateful that Karma knew he was loved. He let us do what the vet said we needed to without aggression or any resistance.

Karma was only one and a half years old but I swear we had bonded so close. He trusted me and knew me and would climb onto my hand with trust. He was happy, he had the most beautifully, protected free range room and was the happiest little guy in the world. On beautiful hot days he would get direct sunshine outside for hours at a time and on other days would hang out in front of his window for hours. That was his favorite spot.

I do not even know why I am writing this, I guess I need to talk about him or maybe I am looking for some answers as what could have possibly gone wrong with my baby. Could he have had cancer or something? Could he have been sick and no matter what I did, it was only a matter of time? Did I do something wrong? Was bringing him to the vet the worst thing I could have done? He declined so rapidly after the vet that I wonder if all that stuff they gave us made him worse?

He died in my hands that Saturday morning, in his little pillow case bed. We tried feeding him that morning and he started to turn black around his face. I immediately picked him up and tilted his head downwards where the food ran out of his mouth. He couldn't swallow and he had been suffocating. Colour came back and he was still alive but we could tell his breathing was not regular. Every now and then he would open his mouth for air. Then he let out this tiny little sound, like a whimper and then he was gone. I will never forget that soft, desperate sound.

I cry now even as I write this, just thinking of him slipping away right before my eyes and nothing I could do to stop it. I knew I wasn't going back to the vet, that was for sure. I just wanted him to be calm, comfortable and close to me so he knew he was not alone. That I was there with him, we both were.

I guess I am writing here today because I know that you all understand the depth of love one could have for these beautiful and amazing creatures. But I know that people look at me with this confused look when they see how affected I am over his passing. As if they cannot understand how I could be so attached to a "lizard". But I was and they ask me if I am going to get another one and say, "No". I don't think I could go through that pain again. I also don't think that I want to "replace" Karma, because he is irreplaceable. He had a personality. He was the joy in my life.

Even going in his room is hard. I took down mostly everything because it was too hard seeing everything and not seeing him. They ask me why I don't just get another one because of all the thousands of dollars I spent creating such a rainforest for him. But my heart is still broken. I think I am also afraid of getting another chameleon because I take responsibility for him and his death. As if I could have done something more. My partner says I am just beating myself up and that I did everything and more for him but there you have it.

He was young, I had expected to have my Karma for seven years and even said to my partner that Karma is so happy, I bet he would live till he was nine. I did the research, I asked the questions but he still faltered by simply not eating. I am sure he was ill. But Karma was smart and strong and fought till the end. We buried him and he lies with us, here still.

Here is his final resting place.

One more question...has anyone else lost a chameleon under two years old?
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Trying to attach this pic...Karma's final resting place.


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I am so very sorry you lost Karma! I am sitting here crying because I know just how you feel. It really tears at your heart and like you I always blame myself for everything.

You gave Karma all the love, and life he could possibly have had.Just know that there is not a person out there that could or would have cared for him the way you did. He knew you were there till the end.

I hope you feel ready at some point to get another chameleon. It is the people who truly care about these wonderful creatures, that should have them. Too many people buy them for a kid, or get tired of the work involved. Another chameleon would be lucky to have you and your love.

I don't know your vet but Never go to them again. I am with you, I don't not think the right thing was done for Karma.

Hang in here, we are all with you.
Thank you so much Laurie for taking the time to write what you did. I felt your hug and am thankful. Maybe you are right, perhaps I just need time to grieve and maybe I will in the future get another one. I will hold off on selling everything and wait.

Your kind words are soothing and I agree about that vet. ;)
I am very sorry for your loss, I'm sure Karma was one happy cham and you were the best human parent he could have ever hoped for :)
No matter what type of pet I lose or how many, it tears my heart out. Our chams are not lesser than any other pets.

I too feel that you can bond very closely with a cham. After all we spend so much time with them!

Very sorry for your loss. Sending hugs from Seattle.
Sorry for your loss. Sometime you can do everything right, and still lose them. I hand fed one of my female veileds once went outside for about 15 minutes came back in and there she was lying dead on the floor of her enclosure.
I'm sorry you lost Karma. Poor little guy. :( It really is so hard to lose an animal friend. They hold such a special place in the heart.
Thanks Brownie64, you are right...I guess sometimes no matter what, we can lose them...it totally sucks though. They are such special little pets. And Lathis, you helped me so much when I first came here with Karma and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your advice worked and helped tremendously. You all here are very comforting and I feel like I am part of a special family that we all understand the magic these beings hold. I honestly must say, since I finally had the strength and courage to face the truth here with you all, how much lighter my pain is. I will always miss him but I mean it when I say, being a part of this community has saved my soul from plummeting into a dark place...yes, I am a sensitive soul if you haven't yet noticed. :) I hope no one minds if I hang around and come in from time to time, even though I no longer have my baby. I am not ready to get another but I hope I am still welcome...it makes me feel, well, still close to Karma. And being around such wonderful people always helps too. Peace to you all.
Thank you brownie64...My life has been rather empty since Karma passed...and here is the only place I feel like he is still with me. This community is so amazing!
Just remember we all love you are are waiting for you to be ready for another cham to love you and be loved by you.
I am so sorry for your your loss of Karma. He sounded like an awesome little cham! I have 3 breadies, 2 dogs, and as of yesterday 1 rescue veiled cham. I recently had a rescue baby beardie pass. It ripped me up. I also know I did everything I could for him and he at least got a week and a half of lots of love and care. I can tell you gave your heart to Karma, and our animals know when we love them. Our animals are our children and we love them dearly. I hope one day you will feel up to letting another animal share in your love and care. A big hug from me and Texas, kisses from my dogs, and licks from my beardies.
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