Make sure you chew your food.

The way she relished it made me wanna have a little taste of that juicy mantis...mmmmmmmmmm
Thanks for sharing Steve.
I have been saying mantis are chameleons 1# on the menu since the 1996 when I started collecting wild caught mantis out on the families old 300 acre ranch. Steve your taking raising and feeding out mantis to another level!
That's my first time seeing a cham eat a mantis, I should google more videos that is nuts. Can't wait till my cham is big enough to do that.
That was one big crunchy munch for that beautiful girl! Parsons always look so majestic, rather like the elephants of the cham world!
All I have to say is that must have been one tasty mantis!!! I would have given up on it half way through that!! :p

Yeah, I had to edit the time down. There was a long pause I cut out, and my arms where a little shaky after hold up camera for four minutes. Like everything parson's do, they do it really slow. Or were you talking about chewing a mantis up in your mouth, and giving up? :D
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