Hi! New here and first time Cham mom. I’ve gone through several posts, other articles and google images but I can’t tell.
I attached several pictures as attachments of different stages and times since I’ve had it as well as its current set up.
I’m beginning to think that my “male” Panther chameleon is a girl. It is approximately 5 months and the color is very low/ dull. More turquoise began to show in the last shed and I understand it can take years but I don’t see the hemi-penal bulge. When I questioned the breeder about the color/gender and possibly not giving me the chameleon they presented in pictures they told me I was killing it and gave me a 3 day ultimatum to return it.
If it is a female I do not know what I need to set up for her and would appreciate advice. I’m happy to go through the forum and other threads on that but I need to know if it’s a girl.
Other info if it matters:
It’s eating/growing well and has probably doubled in size in the month and a half I’ve had it although it’s only shed twice.
It has a voracious appetite and enjoys hunting crickets in the enclosure, also eats medium roaches and an occasional super worm. It won’t touch meal worms or horn worms. It’s very calm, hand tame, happy to come out of its cage and doesn’t stress easily. Currently in an XL reptibreeze with an elaborate natural branch set up with golden pothos entwined everywhere. I tried several other plants but noticed that it had a hard time maneuvering around and the leaves didn’t hold water as well. I have an automatic misting system set up for 45 seconds every 8 hours that I supplement with 3-4 manual mistings a day. It is constantly thirsty and or just really loves water. I have a Zilla 20” Pro Sol fixture with a 50w clear/ white halogen and two tropical mini UVA/UVB bulbs. I do not use the night heat bulb. I also have a Giangarden HO T5 UVB lighting kit- 24w 10.0. The cage is very large and is really dark without the two lights and it loves the basking light- approximately 10” from closest basking branch. Temperature at the basking area is 80F 40% humidity and the lower other half of the cage is 70F 40% humidity. It has its own bedtime, sleeps at the lower portion of the cage and I cover the cage at night.
I attached several pictures as attachments of different stages and times since I’ve had it as well as its current set up.
I’m beginning to think that my “male” Panther chameleon is a girl. It is approximately 5 months and the color is very low/ dull. More turquoise began to show in the last shed and I understand it can take years but I don’t see the hemi-penal bulge. When I questioned the breeder about the color/gender and possibly not giving me the chameleon they presented in pictures they told me I was killing it and gave me a 3 day ultimatum to return it.
If it is a female I do not know what I need to set up for her and would appreciate advice. I’m happy to go through the forum and other threads on that but I need to know if it’s a girl.
Other info if it matters:
It’s eating/growing well and has probably doubled in size in the month and a half I’ve had it although it’s only shed twice.
It has a voracious appetite and enjoys hunting crickets in the enclosure, also eats medium roaches and an occasional super worm. It won’t touch meal worms or horn worms. It’s very calm, hand tame, happy to come out of its cage and doesn’t stress easily. Currently in an XL reptibreeze with an elaborate natural branch set up with golden pothos entwined everywhere. I tried several other plants but noticed that it had a hard time maneuvering around and the leaves didn’t hold water as well. I have an automatic misting system set up for 45 seconds every 8 hours that I supplement with 3-4 manual mistings a day. It is constantly thirsty and or just really loves water. I have a Zilla 20” Pro Sol fixture with a 50w clear/ white halogen and two tropical mini UVA/UVB bulbs. I do not use the night heat bulb. I also have a Giangarden HO T5 UVB lighting kit- 24w 10.0. The cage is very large and is really dark without the two lights and it loves the basking light- approximately 10” from closest basking branch. Temperature at the basking area is 80F 40% humidity and the lower other half of the cage is 70F 40% humidity. It has its own bedtime, sleeps at the lower portion of the cage and I cover the cage at night.
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