Male or Female please help


Avid Member
I have this baby panther and i wanted to know if anyone could help me figure out if this is a male or female....
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I was looking at the tail-base and it looks like it doesnt jus drop like a females would
it was sold to me as a male and it is a red morph panther so males will lean towards a pink to red color....i think
At that age its hard to tell the only sure way to tell is the tail base which looks tapered to me I'm saying male. Besides color is not a reliable source at that size I made a couple of mistakes when trying to determine sex at such a young age and also by going with color.
At that age its hard to tell the only sure way to tell is the tail base which looks tapered to me I'm saying male. Besides color is not a reliable source at that size I made a couple of mistakes when trying to determine sex at such a young age and also by going with color.

So u also think that the tail is tapered right???? It doesnt seem to just slope it is very gradual(spellcheck)
I would lean towards male myself. Although I have yet to get the chance to sex any youngins. Hopefully in 2 months I will be trying to sex my critters (fingers crossed).
I'm voting female but Dean P probably has more exp. than most of us. Good luck, sure is tiny. Is this your first?
Look for tarsal spores. Most males have little bumps of them. They could be on their hind legs or their back. If they don't appear to have little bumps, then they could be females. Not all species of chameleons have these bumps. This mostly refers to veiled chameleons.
Males are usually brighter in color. They also tend to be larger. Females aren't as large and have darker colors and patterns.[copied]
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Another male or female?

So Ricky do we know yet. I looked again and still lean towards female. I am putting out on the I correct???

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