Male or female?


Established Member
Hello all, I’m interested in the Nosy be Panthers. Would you go with a male or female. What’s the benefits or disadvantages of each?thanks
I have a Jackson’s but I consider myself to be a total newbie . I’ve been bitten by the Chammy bug. I just love these creatures. The nosy bes should be available in August, which should be plenty of time for me to prepare for its arrival.
While males of course show brighter variety of colors, females are also very beautiful. It’s a matter of your aesthetics.
Females will lay infertile eggs and in order to prevent problems, your husbandry needs to be spot on. As laying does shorten female’s lives, there are somewhat simple ways to try to reduce laying frequency and clutch size thru lower temps and controlled feeding.
How confident do you feel in your husbandry for your Jackson's is really the question. If your not at the point of feeling confident and that your providing everything it needs by the book then I would wait before getting another chameleon. Especially a female. Males can have their own issues if husbandry is not on point. Really it is all about where you are at now in your journey. It is easy to get a second and a third but with that comes more responsibly and knowledge needed. Since your looking at a different species you need to have confidence that you can provide what it needs.
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