male turned brown


New Member
I have 2 viled cham and the male turned brown for the last 2 days is that normal the cage temp is about 80 and bask spot is about 90 they eat crix silk and meal worm i give them rep cal vit and cal please help he is brown if he is in the bask area or not nothing has changed
Are they both males and are they both in the same cage? if they are they need to be separated
I would agree that they need to be seperated if they are in the same cage. They could be stressing each other out, and if not separated they could stress each other to death.
1 M 1 F Thanks For The Quick Replys
Ok, 1 male and 1 female... but, are they in the same cage?
Because as has been stated already, they should NOT be kept in the same cage regardless of what their sex is. You need to have them in separate enclosures.

However, that still might not explain what has caused your male's colour change.
In general, colour changes aren't necessarily indications that anything serious is wrong. Chameleons go darker to absorb more heat, and they become lighter to reflect more heat.
However, they do also change to darker colours when they are stressed out.

In order to find out if anything could be distressing him, you will need to review your husbandry in more detail.
Use this thread to determine what sort of information you need to provide:
We've already [possibly] determined that you are incorrectly keeping two Veiled chameleons in the same cage. But provide more details about your setup to ensure that there is nothing else going on that could be affecting either cham.
I'm also thinking you should bump the heat up a little with the basking area. I think it should be at least 95. This will get the rest of the cage a little warmer too. I would bump up the temperature until you can rule out some sort of illness or parasite problem. Have you ever had a parasite check? The coloration could be stress or it can be illness. How long have you had your chams? Are they captive bred or wild caught? It's a good idea to keep ill chams a little warmer than the norm. If you see mouth gaping it is too warm. Do you have pictures of your setup?
he turned back to his reg coolor today thanks for all ur help i have both in the same cage i will sep them this week i just order a new cage for the male i had them for about 3 weeks when i got them they told me that both of them were 11 weeks old thanks again
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