male veiled not eating properly


New Member
hi i have a male veiled around 4 years old he is a happy and sociable soul, the only problem just in the recent months is he will not eat on his own accored and will only be fed by hand at close range hardly firing his tongue and will sit in his cage watching food walk about without even trying to catch it then when offored food from my girlfriend or me he takes it straight away, any thoughts on this would be great.
adam and tanya
Can you post pics? Some of his whole body, and possibly some of his mouth/tongue if you can might help us.

It could be related to nutritional deficiencies. It's also possible that he got lazy with his tongue and now it just won't go as far. It might be from his age, but I don't think that is the most likely since he is only 4. He could also have damaged the tongue and now it won't work properly.
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