Male Veiled Timelapse...


New Member
Hello all...i have been snoopin around here for a bit...thought i would post a timelapse i shot of my young veiled waking up and running around his cage this morning.

kinda fun to watch...if you look closely you can see him grab a cricket. im going to set the camera up and do an entire day of timelapse as well as a few different angles...

i have an automatic mister coming in soon. It will be fun to see its operation in timelapse as well.

Very cool!

What type of camera did you use and do you have different settings for time-lapse or is it just one?

Ok one more question . . . does the camera automatically turn it into a video or do you need software?


karebear41486 - yeah, the sun is so cool where he is. He gets to wake up to a sunrise everyday. Cant wait to have a full day of time lapse.

JimNPHX - i use a canon 5d with an intervalometer...right now its setup to take 1 picture every 30 seconds. But the intervalometer can be set to any interval you want.

I use After Effects to compile all the still images into a video format.

Im curious to see what his eating/drinking/roaming habits are like through out the day while i am away...which is the reason why im doing well as it just looking pretty cool.

Im going to do a full days run on friday...i will post the results.
Here is another timelapse of Elliot doing his thing...from sunrise to about 2pm.

I just set up an automatic misting system as well...its cool to see it in action...every 2-3 hours during the day he gets 5 minute mistings.

Its interesting to see him follow the sunlight down to the bottom of the cage before the sun goes above the house...then he goes right back up to the basking lamp...

gonna do some more timelapse tomorrow from another angle...maybe a wider lense thats much closer to the cage...

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