Malnourished veiled chameleon


New Member
Hi the other day I took in a veiled chameleon that was surrendered to a pet store. I’m assuming a male but the shop has no real information on him. He’s extremely malnourished, dehydrated, and has vitamin/calcium deficiencies. At the moment I’m misting 4 times daily with reptile electrolytes and supplementing liquid multi vitamin, I’ve gotten him to eat a few calcium dusted horn worms but he has to be had feed because he won’t use his tongue to eat and is very weak. I’m on hear to see if anyone has any other ideas on what I can do to help him survive. The store said he only had about a 40% chance of surviving.
I don't see any reason to spray him with electrolytes.

Glad you have him in a hospital type cage.

Be careful not to overheat him if he can't move around enough that he can move out of the basking area.
I don't see any reason to spray him with electrolytes.

Glad you have him in a hospital type cage.

Be careful not to overheat him if he can't move around enough that he can move out of the basking area.
It’s a 20 gallon long and has temperature variants. I’m spraying with electrolytes because that’s the only way he’ll drink at the moment is if I stray him.
It’s a 20 gallon long and has temperature variants. I’m spraying with electrolytes because that’s the only way he’ll drink at the moment is if I stray him.

I think she meant just spray with Distilled water. Chameleons always only drink from leaves/being sprayed.
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