Mango for roaches?

Can I give mango as a gutload for my roaches? I don't actually feed them off often yet, they need to reproduce more. But will it be okay to give them?
Yeah, I feed mine mango, I just make sure that it still has the skin on part of it so the flesh doesn't make everything sticky.

If you don't want to feed your roaces dog food, pollen helps them breed really well.
Mango has a little more Phosphorous than calcium, so its fine for roaches but it only makes for an "okay" but not excellent gutload.

Thanks sandra, and thanks everyone else. I think I will give it to them so it doesn't go to waist. I am feeding Leo mainly crickets anyway but if I forget to buy crickets I will give him a male roach. I want to order some more feeders soon, that will be fun.
I feed mine chicken feed and then throw in some fruits and veggies every now and then

Chicken feed usually isnt a good choice, if you intend to feed the roaches to a chameleon.
Chicken feed can contain animal protein, growth hormones and anitbiotics - any of which may not be good for the chameleon.
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