Mango Leaves


New Member
I was just wondering if anyone knew if these were toxic or not, I feed the fruit to feeders sometimes but I was wondering about the leaves since my veild tends to eat leaves sometimes and I have mango trees he likes to climb. Thanks!
I know people worry about lemon & oranges due to their acidity etc.. I wonder if Mango is the same way? Great question, I know someone who always has a lot of these.
If anyone was wondering they are toxic. I did some research on them and have some chemicals or something that make them toxic. They are toxic to humans and cattle from what I read to Im assuming that if it can kill cattle it can kill a cham, No more mango tree for Sam!
i know that the skin of mangos, especially unripened mangos are toxic to humans. wouldnt kill someone but would probably irritate the person. i would stay away from leaves and skin of the fruit, but the fruit itself should be fine
yeah I use the fruit to feed feeders sometimes and like it myself but I was just wondering about the leaves b/c my veilds a leaf muncher and likes climbing in that treee.
I think some of you have some wrong information. The skin of mangoes are extremely nutritious, chalk full of vitamins. I used to eat these in my younger days. The leaves are herbicides, which are too srong for small animals and plants to handle. So, I wouldn't recommend them to your cham. If people eat it, it's not that much of a threat. Feeding the slices of mango with the peel is fine, but don't feed the leaves. Hope this helps.:)
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