Mantis Feeder Questions


Established Member
It seems like recently people are using Mantids as feeders for their chameleons. Do these make acceptable feeders?

Also, where is everyone buying the ooths? I have looked and only see nymphs for sale.
raising mantis

It seems like recently people are using Mantids as feeders for their chameleons. Do these make acceptable feeders?

Also, where is everyone buying the ooths? I have looked and only see nymphs for sale.
i think it is done more for the novelty of doing it, a freshly hatched mantis has less mass than a mosquito and raising 100-200
mantis to a respectable feeder size, without a lot of losses, can be a challenge if you have never done it before. i got my last two ooths at the local garden shoppe, but they came from; natures control box 35 medford oregon 97501 sometimes local organic gardening clubs will hand out ooths. one of the better places to buy ooths, is from private breeders in the classifieds section of, there are gobs available on ebay , also from, and from dozens of suppliers online.
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ooth pics

heres a pic of the two ooth started about a week ago. note the uth and the prelaid cricket trays in the same cage, hopefully they wont both hatch at the exact same time. lol / edit / admittedly not the best setup, but it should work, the trays at hottest point is 84* the ooths are at about 78*


  • ooth 2 004.jpg
    ooth 2 004.jpg
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Mantid are fine as an occassional feeder. They can have sharp front leg spines that could cause injury. They also need to be raised individually, and since you are feeding mantids crickets and other stuff you would normally feed direct to chameleons, its kinda pointless, except in terms of the novelty / interest factor.

For me, mantids are kewl pets. I only feed off ones that dont shed well (and will thus die anyhow) to my chameleons. The chameleons like them, but they prefer other bugs

You can buy plain, cheap chinese mantid ootha from local nursaries or online, even from homedepot.
Thanks alot. That's exactly what I was looking for xanth and sandra :)

I doubt we'll be using any as feeders. I didn't know until this week that they like small enclosures. I caught a little praying mantis wild and kept it in a small terrarium thing I have that is probably 10x10in but no screen. He lived well for about a week, but I released him because I didn't know much about keeping them and I wasn't going to feed them off to a cham.

Do you usually pull the front arms off?

On a side note, one of the coolest things I've ever seen was at my granparent's house I watched one large praying mantis sit outside a wasp nest and literally destroy it. He stayed there for a few days and I watched him catch a few and you could here it tearing into them.
On a side note, one of the coolest things I've ever seen was at my granparent's house I watched one large praying mantis sit outside a wasp nest and literally destroy it. He stayed there for a few days and I watched him catch a few and you could here it tearing into them.

Maybe that is the trick to get rid of all these nasty things!!!! Ill have to see if I can find any and place them around my house.
You can always find egg sacks in the forest preserves around here and I like to harvest a couple and keep them over the winter until they hatch out in the spring. They make excellent feeders and I keep a few of them, feed them and let them get big and then sell them at shows.

If you are looking for any mantis-related stuff (ooths or stuff to keep them), try Rebecca is a gem to deal with.
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