Mantis Help


Avid Member
Ok, so I am not the greatest with bugs, I am assuming this is a Mantis. What should I feed it? Would like to keep it for a couple of days before I feed it off. IS this safe to feed to my cham?

Thanks in advance.
@jpowell86 @nick barta
Ooops... forgot to attach pics. :rolleyes: :ROFLMAO:

Certainly is! As long as it was caught in a pesticide free area. At that stage, I feed mine: flies,ants, pinheads, and roach nymphs! And oh, they like honey. Make sure you mist lightly around the cup. They need water. And don't mist it if it's molting. It can kill it. Enjoy!
Nice find! I think Mantids are one of the best prey items you can give. Chameleons go bananas for them.

You can either feed it off, or you can go find another and get a pair. You might get a couple oothecas before you feed them off!

Like said above, they will eat anything that moves really. It is not hard finding for they will take.
Not sure what I am going to do. Might have to find another. Wife isn't too happy that I am going to "murder" it feeding it off to my cham, I might find myself in the dog house if I do.
Not sure what I am going to do. Might have to find another. Wife isn't too happy that I am going to "murder" it feeding it off to my cham, I might find myself in the dog house if I do.
You tell her that your going to do what your going to do.
It has it's wings, so it is an adult and will no longer molt. It looks nice and healthy. I probably wouldn't worry about feeding it anything if I was going to feed it to my cham. I fed my panther a subadult of same species this afternoon...notice pronounced wing buds, but no wings. Usually does make me a little nervous feeding them subadult or adult of a large aggressive species of mantis like the Chinese, but I've never had a problem with a poked eye or tongue wrapped raptor....knock on wood. Ol' Dexter did a good job of making the head shot.
I have a question... I suppose they are a lot of different mantis species.. It doesn't matter what type of mantis should my Cham eat?
It must have been in a shed (or whatever its called for bugs) yesterday. I checked on him before bed last night and his eyes are now dark brown/black.

He's pretty cool. Hoping I can find him a lady friend. Lady friends are fun!! :D
So while I was looking around trying to find a mate for my mantis. I cam across this terrifying spider.

Black and Yellow Argiope


Spiders creep me out! This one was a super keeper!

However, It doesn't seem to be poisonous. Does anyone know if my cham will enjoy this?
It must have been in a shed (or whatever its called for bugs) yesterday.

Called a "molt" :ROFLMAO:(y)

As for the spider you found? Not sure if your chameleon can eat it. BUT.... I DO know what you COULD do with it...

Kill it with fire, lots and lots of fire. Then you need to flood the whole area someone..... Bring in an Indian tribe to do a rain dance for you maybe? When you are finished, detonate a nuclear device just to be sure, and walk away. A few years later, you'll want to have an Indian chief from that same tribe come back to perform a ritual and bless the land to make it new again. You know, for safe measure and all.

It must have been in a shed (or whatever its called for bugs) yesterday. I checked on him before bed last night and his eyes are now dark brown/black.

He's pretty cool. Hoping I can find him a lady friend. Lady friends are fun!! :D
They're like us. They're pupils expand at night in low light
So while I was looking around trying to find a mate for my mantis. I cam across this terrifying spider.

Black and Yellow Argiope

View attachment 164277

Spiders creep me out! This one was a super keeper!

However, It doesn't seem to be poisonous. Does anyone know if my cham will enjoy this?
That spider is a nontoxic common black and yellow garden spider. Looks scary but not really.

And lady friends are not fun for male mantids. It doesn't usually work out well for them.
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