

Established Member
I have used the search setting to no avail. I know that mealworms and super worms have hard exo-skeletons that are hard to digest... I was just wondering how often I could feed mealworms. I use gutloaded crickets as a staple and am ordering some hornworms.

Also, how many 3 week crickets should I be feeding my 3 month old veiled chameleon?
A couple superworms and/or mealworms a week is okay.
Try also silkworms, roaches, butterworms...

I let 3 month old chameleons eat pretty much as much they can/want within about 5 minutes, several times a day.
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I would feed meal worms more as a treat they arent great but you can feed a few supers. But the hornworms will also help them digest a little but i would just get more supers over mealworms. I just ordered some mantis and I cant wait to get those going you could try that. sandras got it on the amount to feed they can pretty much eat there fill to a point.
If you browse the for-sale area of the Mantid Forum people give them away for free quite frequenlty because they have more than they can handle.
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