Measuring IU for perfect supplementation


Retired Moderator
does anybody know what an IU means? and how do I measure it to give the correct supplementation?

I know from a very reliable source that he uses 25 IU of D3/ week for his chameleon.
Now, I need help to figure out how much exactly a 25 IU? :confused:

It means International Unit.
I have no idea how to measure out IU's.
It seems an excessive amount to me ... but perhaps I'm thinking this since the dosage is weekly.
I do not think that being this exact would be necessary.
Calcium w/ D3 on a few feeders twice a month or so has proven to be a pretty good supplementation for adult chameleons.

That is just plain screwed up!
So if you want to know how much to administer you first need to look up the IU.
Just trying to find the IU of d3 is hard.
I cant find it.
well, i'll try to figure it out and when i do, i'll post it in this thread.
the 25 IU/ week is the D3 requirement for chameleon raised without any access to UVB light at all to grow normally. The experiment is done by professor Larry Talent.

I also learn the recommended requirement for retinol (pre formed vit A).
but all that stuff won't matter if we cannot even know how much exactly is 1 IU :)

Thanks guys
Are you considering putting your animal on a supplement schedule that has been established for experiments involving no UVB light?
I think that's a very bad idea.
Are you going to take your UVB light away?
If you don't .... won't the supplementation be to heavy?
Are you going to keep your animal out of the natural sun?

Are you considering putting your animal on a supplement schedule that has been established for experiments involving no UVB light?
I think that's a very bad idea.
Are you going to take your UVB light away?
If you don't .... won't the supplementation be to heavy?
Are you going to keep your animal out of the natural sun?


no. not for the D3, but for the retinol.
the retinol supplementation is under normal captivity.
I'm confused.
You started this thread trying to find out what is the IU for D3.

I think you are trying to make the supplementation of D3 and preformed Vitamin A much more complicated than it needs to be.

Here are my thoughts on the matter:

Both of these Vitamins can build up in the system and cause problems if administered with exuberance, however, hypovitaminosis is a much more common malady than hypervitaminosis and with some care and common sense, I think we can come to a fairly good schedule of supplementation (providing adequate doses of each) without needing a way to measure individual International Units of each.

Vitamin A gel caps with as low as 400 IU's per capsule can be obtained, and a drop of oil from one of these capsules every two weeks per chameleon seems to be sufficient.

Vitamin D3 is produced by the animal when given sufficient exposure to UVB light. Given that our bulbs are most certainly providing less than the natural sun, a conservative supplement of this Vitamin is recommended. A few feeders dusted with Calcium w/ D3 every other week for an adult animal, slightly more often for a young/growing animal ... again, sufficient.

I am the first one to promote assessment and advancement of husbandry and I would love to be linked to the work that you are referring to.
However, I also believe that making things pointlessly tricky or complicated confuses an otherwise pretty straightforward method that is working well.
Please enlighten us with more details on the work of Larry Talent.

my question from the start is actually what is IU and how exactly i measure IU.
and the D3 and A is just for the practical assessment of the unit.
I got the numbers from Dr. Gary W Ferguson.

He talked to prof Larry Talent.
I'm sorry if i confused you.. There isn't a link perse for it, but if you have access to graduate thesis (from pretty much any university site), you can search for prof Larry Talent's thesis at Oklahoma State University.
He focuses on ecotoxicology.

There's nothing to it, and you should not be overly concerned with it.
I think if your method worked for you, then it worked.

It just that i noticed that 400 IU pergel cap (and some are 8000 IU!).
So, to get 50 IU/2 weeks will be tricky. and I'm a perfectionist by nature.
As soon as i cleared it out, I will definitely post the thing i found in this thread.

sorry for the confusion, english is my second language.
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