Measuring your Lizard...


New Member

Male Veiled-15 months old! How does he measure up? He had fallen asleep this way-he never stayed still when I tried to get a length on him before!
Not sure about your guy there but I'm not really one to measure my lizard. 'Cuz as soon as you do, people start asking, "How big is your lizard?" It's just another mess I'd rather not get wrapped up in. And besides, it's not necessarily the size of the lizard, but how pretty he is. :rolleyes:
OMG I am dying laughing hahahahaha!!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes:

BTW Great shot!!! thats a perfect idea to measure a cham that way they can't bite you lol, thanks for the idea:)
You see, the problem with measuring Lizards is that most guys would say that Lizard is 11 inches long (snout to vent)! :)

Oh definately 11, and the girth is amazing.

Oh and by the way you should see his tongue! :p

hehe I am laughing so hard!! It is not how long he is but how good looking!! I do agree!
Clever way to measure him!

Oh MY G@&!!! :eek: If your lizard is green you need to get to a doctor RIGHT NOW!!!:)

OOOPPPPSSSS! my bad you meant your chameleon. :eek:

It's ok if HE'S green. :D

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