Meller's Mist


Established Member

Baby weighed in at 50 grams last week! Every day with her is another miracle to me. She's Free Ranging and everything. :)

She is so beautiful!! You need to bring her out for a visit - She's about the same size as Niblet ... they would be so cute together!!!

Ummm...lemme think... HELL YEAH I wanna come for a visit!! The Chameleon Farm would be the first priority if I make it to the west coast. And you never know - I just might!! I'm still willing to help tend to all those wonderful chameleons for my keep!! :D

Thanks everyone for the nice comments about my baby. :)

Laurie, this isn't one of Julie's - who I'm assuming is the gal who had that amazing clutch of Melleri hatch last fall, correct? Mine is about the same age, however. She's a CH from the Dallas area - pretty sure the mom was a WC. I started with 3 of the clutch and the smallest one (this one!) made it out of the three. Lots of stress! But totally worth it. :)
Wendy, Its great to see this little guy doing so well. Am I correct in remembering this is one of the ones you got while you were out of town at a pet shop?
Wendy, Its great to see this little guy doing so well. Am I correct in remembering this is one of the ones you got while you were out of town at a pet shop?

Yeah - the pet shop had acquired the WC mother who laid a clutch, then died a week later. The teenage son incubated the eggs and they hatched - pretty small, maybe preemies. After losing two of the three that I bought, I didn't relax for months with this one!! She seemed to grow very slowly and lately very fast!
Yeah - the pet shop had acquired the WC mother who laid a clutch, then died a week later. The teenage son incubated the eggs and they hatched - pretty small, maybe preemies. After losing two of the three that I bought, I didn't relax for months with this one!! She seemed to grow very slowly and lately very fast!

That is awesome! I remember when you got them. Very glad this one is doing well. It's awesome to see!

BTW... 7400 post on this thread, damn :eek:
I've currently got Baby & Kirby in separate rooms - each have a FR. Kirby stressed Baby out too much - constantly stalking her. Soooo.... I may need to get another Aqua Zamp soon! Definitely need more nozzles
- works out better than rain dome currently.
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