Member ratio


Avid Member
Hi All
What is the ratio of men to women, or to be fair (women to men) that are members of this site Just wondering. :)

Bob (male)
i think this is a good idea or question. so many people freak and tell me to tell my bf to get rid of our nasty mean scalled lizzards ( im in FL they think they are iguannas or anoles) the get suprised when i say no they are just as much mine....
I don't mean to sound rude or negative, but I don't really see why finding out the ration of men to women is relevent to anything.

Unless your just wondering out of sheer curiosity.
Just looking to see how many women or men are into taking care of chameleons. Not asking for your credit card info. (not to sound rude or negative)
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Valid question, since there's definitely the stereotype that "girls don't like herps". (My Mother does everything she can to fit that stereotype to a "T".)
I'm female obviously, duh! As my username and sig suggest - Miss Lily is the Chamele-Mum!! I love chams as well as geckos and beardies - any lizards really! My Mum loves my chams too and so does my daughter!
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