Might help explain UV seeking behaviors?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Interesting article discussing production of beta-endorphins through UV exposure. Could make basking a “pleasurable” experience that encourages the behavior?


this next article suggests that vitamin D deficiency exasperates opioid seeking behavior. So possibly an animal that is low on vitamin D may be more likely to seek out UV light to increase circulating endorphins


Interesting theories on basking behavior in reptiles 🤷‍♂️
Sounds almost like chameleons are "forced" to put themselves in the position of trying to produce vitamin D. Wonder if we are too?
Maybe? It sounds like there may be a biological mechanism that rewards UV exposure, and low vitamin D levels make them more susceptible to it?
The authors of the second paper propose that there may be a feedback mechanism when vitamin D levels are sufficient
Maybe? It sounds like there may be a biological mechanism that rewards UV exposure, and low vitamin D levels make them more susceptible to it?
The authors of the second paper propose that there may be a feedback mechanism when vitamin D levels are sufficient
That's sort of what I meant by forced.
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