Mist nozzles go bad?


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hey all. Yesterday Stella’s mist nozzle stopped misting. I checked the connections - they were fine. I soaked her nozzle in vinegar overnight, and there was a bit of crud floating in the vinegar. Hooked the nozzle back up and still nothing. Replaced the tubing - no change. She and Jack are hooked to that Mist King and Jack has 2 nozzle heads, so I disconnected one of his nozzles - nope. Finally I gave her one of Jack’s nozzle heads - success! Just curious if anyone has experienced a nozzle head ‘going bad’?
Yep, the very beginning of chameleon keeping. I can't remember what caused it to go bad but I think it was hard water. That's when I didn't know a thing about keeping these little fellas
I use RO water, but I have the older Mist King that didn’t come with the reservoir filter. I keep the reservoir covered and clean, but I’m sure some dust particles will make their way in. I don’t keep track of the ages of my mist nozzles, but Stella’s is probably at least 2 1/2 years old.
Gotta remember its not a water hose. It is an EXTEREMELY small outlet pressurized by an EXTEREMELY high pressure / low volume membrane water pump.

And RO does not remove minerals other than calcium/lime/rust. Infact if you buy RO water, most of the time its just distilled/DI with ADDED minerals for flavor.
I replaced both of my nozzles in Beman's last year when we moved because they were not misting the way they should have. That was after like two and a half years of using them and only with RO water.
I got a TDS reader free with my Zero water filter... I do not use RO now because I can not get it without driving across town. Anyways... I have two readers if you want me to mail you my extra.

This is my reading on my filtered water. I just got a new filter that I need to switch out. I normally do this when the PPM hit 10-12. But my shipment was late.


This is the reading on my tap water. Big difference.

Yes speaking from reef keeping experience the only way to get zero TDS water is with a 4 stage RODI filter. Wouldn't be necessary for chameleons but should keep the mist nozzles in mint condition.
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