mist system?


New Member
Hi everyone.
So my cham's now 1 years old! I have been very lucky to never be away from him unless I had someone watching over him every day I was away.
That luck is gone now, I'll be away for 2 weeks with only someone dropping by every few days.

Feeding for me is not a problem, he's very happy to have a decent amount of feed in a container that he goes and gets for himself.

The water is a problem!!!! I always just mist the leaves myself, many times a day for him to get the water from the leaves. Now I need to buy something that'll help this process when I'm not there to pour the water myself.
It needs to be some sort of good system that'll ensure he'll get enough water to drink - he's not used to water going all over him since I've always watered myself. Do you have experience in this? Recommendation for system?

Just FYI I attach here his enclosure.

Please let me know - I'm in a hurry to buy one so I can test it before taking off.

Thanks guys


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Thanks! Mist King - do you have some info about it? How it works, how do you place it in the enclosure?
Thanks! Mist King - do you have some info about it? How it works, how do you place it in the enclosure?

its a pump, it pumps water. :)

you need a large bucket, you fill it with water.
You buy tubing and feed the tubing from the water to the pump, then you use another tube which goes from the pump to your nozzles.

the nozzles mist the water out.

You have a timer that comes with it, so you can program when the pump goes on and off. how often to mist, how long to mist. etc.

the nozzles- i cut a small hole in the tops of my screens, and fed the nozzle through the hole, then angled the nozzle towards whatever i want it to mist.
Personally, I prefer the Aquazamp with the rain dome. It sprays from two mist heads inside a dome, and lets mist and water droplets fall into the enclosure. They're both good systems, though.
Hi again.
I have 2 follow up questions before ordering :
1.) Won't I need a draining system too then?? Isn't there a chance that the cage can fill up with water and cause damage? If so, what kind of drain system is possible when the bottom is glass?

2.) How is it for a chameleon that is NOT used to be sprayed on? When I mist the cage I've never sprayed on him so he's definitely not used to getting water all over himself ....

Thanks again :)
Yes, if you get a misting system you will need drainage. This is a major issue with chameleon keeping. People on here are always trying to find the best drainage system. It all depends on what works best for you, from just drilling a couple holes in the bottom and having a bucket, to hard plumbing it with pumps and such. It depends on the location of the cage, time and money. There is a thread that has tons of pictures of members drainage systems. search in google and I am sure it will come up. good luck and dont worry about water dripping on him, he will be fine!
A little off topic, but your chameleon would probably a little more content if there was any way you could lift his cage a couple feet off the floor. For one, they feel more secure higher up, and secondly, there is usually a bit of a draft along the floor. ( I'm not implying your chameleon is not happy :)

I'll echo the others, Mistking. Drill a couple drainage holes.
Hi again.
I have 2 follow up questions before ordering :
1.) Won't I need a draining system too then?? Isn't there a chance that the cage can fill up with water and cause damage? If so, what kind of drain system is possible when the bottom is glass?

2.) How is it for a chameleon that is NOT used to be sprayed on? When I mist the cage I've never sprayed on him so he's definitely not used to getting water all over himself.

1.) Drain trays make drainage easy

2.) Many chameleons don't like mist in their face, and that's a big part of why we created the RainDome

Feel free to message me or Summoner12 if you have anymore AquaZamp questions :)
HAve you considered maybe asking a local reptile store if they can house them temporarily until you get home? My local shop offers to keep anyones reptiles for xx amount of days for XX amount of $$$. They will feed and properly take care of the reptiles until the owner returns. You could also look for a pet kennel or vet with experience in reptile housing.
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