mister vs fogger


New Member
I'm thinking about getting into crested geckos and in my web research i've seen a couple of cool home made fogger setups made from humidifiers. I was thinking thinking about maybe doing the same for my veiled's setup or even have it running to both the geckos and the veiled.

Are there any pros and cons to using a fogger over a misting system?
So i've been using this boards magical search feature and I've gotten the impression that a fogger shouldn't replace misting? Why would that be, wouldn't it just be a different way to raise humidity and provide drinking water?
i am actually kinda curious about this too i bought a habba mist and realized that it shouldn't replace the dripper (poor research). Then I have a fogger because my humidity was always low, so i stopped using the habba mist. just to much water, but the fogger shouldnt be the only water source i dont think not in my case atleast i dont think enough water accumulates on the leaves. so if you only have a fogger I would use a dripper also. but i dont think either has an advantage over the other just a preference but i have little experience with this
Misting gives water droplets, Fogger makes the humidity higher. If your humidity is always low, use a fogger! Just never in a glass terrarium. The humidity would get dangerously high. But You still need to mist for actual water.

got it, I was thinking that the fogger would create enough moisture for droplets to form on the plants.

a humidifier's job isn't to get water droplets on plants, but they will do it if the fog is directed into the cage by the top.
you will still have to mist, because the humidifier isn't to wet the plants, but raise the humidity.

some ideas here.....http://www.chameleonnews.com/?page=article&id=72

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The misting system is CRUCIAL for their hydration and health.

The fogger would be great for their skin and eye health, but if used in excess would cause respiratory issues.

If you are going to go with one over the other, go for a misting system.

If you can, do both. I would use the misting system early in the morning, and afternoon, and the fogger at night.

In most tropical areas, the humidity raises during the night so the fogger would mimic this.

Again, don't overdo it, too much humidity can be bad.
got it, I was thinking that the fogger would create enough moisture for droplets to form on the plants.

it will but only so much my fogger blows directly down thought the screen onto a hanging pothos. It creates enough water droplets on the screen to replace my dripper. And the water will collect for it to make enough to drink and drip. The key though is to have it close enough to form droplets if it isnt the plant will just get glossy but not enough to form droplets mine is 8" from the pothos...personally i love it and makes filling up a dripper thing of a past but it also doesnt take away from misting.
yeah i'm thinking about it, I have a mistking that I'm not setting up until I get trogdor a larger enclosure.

How well does the fog stay within the screened enclosure? I don't neccessarily want the surrounding area to get wet from either the mistking or a fogger.
yeah i'm thinking about it, I have a mistking that I'm not setting up until I get trogdor a larger enclosure.

How well does the fog stay within the screened enclosure? I don't neccessarily want the surrounding area to get wet from either the mistking or a fogger.

if using direct fogging like in the link I posted, the cage bottom will get anywhere from damp to wet depending on how much plants you use.
the surounding area may or may not get damp, depending on deflection of the fog from the leaves.

my advice is to use a good timmer to turn on and off the humidifier through out the day/night.
something like 2 hours on, and 2 hours off...this will let the area inside the cage to dry out a little bit.

my big question is: where are you located at that you need a humidifier?

unless the gecko in question (and the cham) requires high humidity when the cage is basicly dry, you might be able to get away with out a humidifier.
unless you live up north like me and you are going to fight low room humidity durring the winter months, a room humidifier may or may not be worth it.

yeah i'm thinking about it, I have a mistking that I'm not setting up until I get trogdor a larger enclosure.

How well does the fog stay within the screened enclosure? I don't neccessarily want the surrounding area to get wet from either the mistking or a fogger.

it depends on if i have my room fan or not but usually doesnt stay in that well as it is a screen enclosure but it does help greatly as im in vegas and we have horrible humidity as the surronding area is around 30% give or take and if i have it on high the bottom of the tank has a light edge of water around the pot if its not on full blast it usually doesnt unless the water drips off a leaf
i live in northern california where there isn't much humidity. I think I've been getting by so far, the mistking should do for me.

I just had the thought that maybe the finer mist would stay in the enclosure better but if not then i'm not going to have two water systems running in my apartment.
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