Misting my kinyongia vosselri


New Member
So ever since day one my vosselri named Carl has hated being misted directly. I always have the water at around room temp or warmer. I don't believe it is a pressure thing either because as soon as he feels the water he runs for cover lol. There has been the odd time he lets me give him a spray. I have not yet invested in a timed humidifer yet for this reason. I see the monsoon RS400 advertises it's "high pressure" rainfall system and Carl likes to spend a lot of time climbing up around the top of his cage already so I don't think he would appreciate this thing going off every 4 hrs etc. In my 3 months owning him so far he has seemed fine with his dripper and I have witnessed him drinking off the leaves.
Room temperature water is probably too cold for him. I would just keep misting him, I dont think it would stress him out he can always go to cover if he doesnt like it...just make sure you mist him on a set schedule.
Mine hate mist too...I'd suggest a rain dome insead.

They seem to be fine with water dripping...I have recently received a submersible water pump and working on a day rain system for the warmer days to come.
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