Misting nozzles


New Member
Has anyone here used Alibaba as a source for misting nozzles. Im working on setting up roughly 60 nursery cages for my chameleons and purchasing a Mistking to supply all the cages. Obviously their nozzles are expensive especially when you're looking to purchase 60+. The nozzles is was looking at are Mius. Any breeders out there that may have some helpful insight when it comes to husbandry in bulk when setting up this many cages would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I had reached out to them because I follow them on Facebook and had seen all their nano cages, but i never could see the misters. So I had asked what they did and they told me that they have them mounted to the upper shelving above the cages which led me to believe they are using a sinlmiliar type of nozzles because obviously without them being mounted in the enclosure there's no need for a directional nozzle. My only concern with doing that is that my cages will be taller but a little more narrow. So I'm worried about the quality of mist towards the middle of the enclosure. I may be over thinking and complicating all of this, but i tend to run every scenario and make the best educated decision i can before moving foward on something. Maybe a little OCD like, lol. But i hate having to go back amd rework things especially a misting system with that many cages. One way keeps me from having to actually mount nozzles in the cages the other does. If I have 60 cages setup and decide to go with in the cage systems it's all work i could ha e done ahead of time.
Has anyone here used Alibaba as a source for misting nozzles. Im working on setting up roughly 60 nursery cages for my chameleons and purchasing a Mistking to supply all the cages. Obviously their nozzles are expensive especially when you're looking to purchase 60+. The nozzles is was looking at are Mius. Any breeders out there that may have some helpful insight when it comes to husbandry in bulk when setting up this many cages would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Hi there!

We definitely recommend spending the extra money in this area and buying right from Jungle Hobbies (MistKing). You get what you pay for and we have been burned a couple times by buying cheaper counterparts. We have had a couple unexpected floods in our room as well as nozzles just not working well. The brand name nozzles last much longer!

However, with that said- if anyone has found a reliable brand that is more inexpensive, we would LOVE to hear about it as well! 😉
Hi there!

We definitely recommend spending the extra money in this area and buying right from Jungle Hobbies (MistKing). You get what you pay for and we have been burned a couple times by buying cheaper counterparts. We have had a couple unexpected floods in our room as well as nozzles just not working well. The brand name nozzles last much longer!

However, with that said- if anyone has found a reliable brand that is more inexpensive, we would LOVE to hear about it as well! 😉
Thank you for you're response. I was afraid that would be the answer. I was hoping there was a similar brand etc. That's comparable or the same marketed differently.
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