Misting Question!!!


New Member
So I have a few questions on misting. I have a 3 month old Male Veiled. His stool seems normal, with a white and a black. But I see on here that eevrybody talks about misting for up to 5 minutes!? I give him a mist 3 times a day but its for no more then 15 seconds, just making sure the leaves are wet. Should I do it at a slower, more steady rate? And should I get Dexter wet as well, or do i try not to get him wet. THanks!
Try to get your little guy used to the mistings by misting him. A heavy warm water misting in the am for a couple to 3 minutes is great. I recommend a H20 dripper also. Another 2 minute misting at midday never hurt anyone. End of day at least a couple hours before he sleeps, do another warm h20 misting for the same amount of time as the AM.
I use the monsoon system every 2 hours for 20 seconds but i never sprayed directly my Cham that's me but I believe it's not that good
Your going to get alot of variance on opinions on this 1. I mist for humidity only.... My guy drinks from his dripper. Ive never had a dehydration problem and I dont need a drainage system in my cage either. I will go hide now:p
Keep in mind, that a nice misting of your cham at least once a day is good for eye cleaning and hydration also. I have Quad chams that require high humidity, and they love their mistings. I have a Habba Mist that runs every hour for 60 seconds, plus I hand pump mist my chams 2-3x a day for around 3-5 minutes. YES, I have proper drainage...
Keep in mind, that a nice misting of your cham at least once a day is good for eye cleaning and hydration also. I have Quad chams that require high humidity, and they love their mistings. I have a Habba Mist that runs every hour for 60 seconds, plus I hand pump mist my chams 2-3x a day for around 3-5 minutes. YES, I have proper drainage...

Shouldnt panthers and veileds have a period of time where there cage is allowed to dry out?
I to only spray long enough to get all the leaves wet...... surely spraying much more doesnt do anything more than that!?! no?
Shouldnt panthers and veileds have a period of time where there cage is allowed to dry out?
I to only spray long enough to get all the leaves wet...... surely spraying much more doesnt do anything more than that!?! no?

they should have a dry period which should be at night you should have your last mist a hour to two hours before bed time or lights out for them and no misting cycles during the night. i run a mist king and its the best thing that i ever invested any sort of money into.
the cage should acually dry between sprays but sprayed again soon after RI is started by too much moisture stagnant water that sits and gets sprayed over and over the dry out time helps prevent bacteria build up correct me if im wrong but i let my chams dry out between mistings (veileds and panthers) others are different!!! and no night time mistings at all dry out before lights out
Your going to get alot of variance on opinions on this 1. I mist for humidity only.... My guy drinks from his dripper. Ive never had a dehydration problem and I dont need a drainage system in my cage either. I will go hide now:p

How do you not need a drainage system? I went out got a dripper, thought I was being smart by having it drip into the soil of my potted ficus and that it would catch it all up. Boy, was I wrong. A couple of hours later my son came and asked me why there was water all over the bottom of the cage and on the floor.

Ive gone to longer mistings 3 times a day. I live in the south so my humidity this time of the year in the house is 50-55% without doing anything. His poop is white as well so I figure he is getting enough water to drink. I would like to use my dripper though but need to rig up my cage so it has a drainage system.

Any ideas?
How do you not need a drainage system? I went out got a dripper, thought I was being smart by having it drip into the soil of my potted ficus and that it would catch it all up. Boy, was I wrong. A couple of hours later my son came and asked me why there was water all over the bottom of the cage and on the floor.

Ive gone to longer mistings 3 times a day. I live in the south so my humidity this time of the year in the house is 50-55% without doing anything. His poop is white as well so I figure he is getting enough water to drink. I would like to use my dripper though but need to rig up my cage so it has a drainage system.

Any ideas?

Hey we had this problem too!! So what we done is, buy a bucket, drill a large whole in the bottom put a fitting similar to a hose tap sort of thing that fits snug in the drilled hole, then drill a whole in the bottom of the cage, pop the hose fitting through that then fit a hose to it and into a bucket, (in the bucket itself put the bottom layer full of rocks, then soil then plant your plant, then more large rocks covering the soil on top so ur Cham can't get to the soil then have your dripper running into your ficus plAnt it will use the water but the excess will come through the hose pipe and into ur bucket simple and doesn't cost much!!! :)
I use a aprox... 1 ft X 8" tupperware type container with the top cut away except for the last inch around the edge and screen silicone in. It has a 1/8 inch hose fitting installed near the bottom and a hose that drains into an empty milk jug. My dripper drips into that;) I would think any plant wouldnt be able to handle all that water..no matter how well it drains :confused:
Shouldnt panthers and veileds have a period of time where there cage is allowed to dry out?
I to only spray long enough to get all the leaves wet...... surely spraying much more doesnt do anything more than that!?! no?

You should have times during the DAY and NIGHT that are dry.

Best thing is to mist for longer periods in the morning, a bit shorter time around noon and again a bit longer later in the day. Misting shouldn't be the only way you keep humidity up. and no, the cage does not need to be 80% all day every minute. You'll give your guy a respiratory infection. They like it to be higher humidity but they need to dry out too. besst bet is to have good plant coverage, and if your in a super dry place, you need to work on raising the rooms humidity with a humidifier or something. you can't rely only on the mister and plants to keep a cage in high humidity.

i've had best results with a 20 minute misting in the morning, 10 around noon and a 15 minute in the later afternoon. I do those mistings about three hours apart. first misting one hour after lights are on. when it's warm enough out I have the windows open and fans moving air around... so things are nice and dry between.
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