misting system setup


New Member
Just ordered the mist king zip drip system. Drippers and spray bottles isnt cutting it anymore for 5 cages ( and growing :) ). I was woundering how every mounted there pumps and such and is there any filters i can pick up to make sure the water is as clean as possible.
distilled water jugs that you can get at grocerie stores, hardware stores. this is usually reverse osmosis water, and that is the purrest you can get. unless you want to mount it sideways, the pump is heavy enough to just sit flat on anything without jigging all over the place
I also just ordered one and was thinking of just buying those huge gallon jugs. Glad to know it is the right kind of water. Is there any easy/cheap way to heat the water? Don't they like a littler warmer water. Reptar seems to like it more.
i just posted a thread about that entitled "Misting System Heater", Jann uses an aquarium heater and has had no problems, other users advise to stay away from it because of algae growth. others heat the water with in-line heaters, and another guy hooked up a coffee maker heater to his pump. check out the thread. it may be useful to you
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