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IM listing my chameleon 3x a day....but the fake foliage i have in the viv is dryin out really Kwik...any suggestions...thanks in advance
You should get real plants, like a ficus or hibiscus. They help keeping the humidity and your cham will also like it better. Otherwise three times a day is pretty good I think, if you do it thoroughly.
What kind of cham do you have?
And does he/she drink? I mean is he/she able to drink before it dries,or do you give specifically, by hand?
I was looking at an Exo Terra Dripper plant for this issue as i found the silk leaves dry out fast... Anyone used one?
The other reason your cage plants are drying out so quickly is the humidity level and air circulation in the room. The drier the ROOM is added to air movement such as from forced air heating, the faster the water in the cage will evaporate. Yes live plants tend to hang on to water longer, but the other reason they help maintain humidity is that they are actively releasing moisture both from the potting soil and from the leaves themselves.
I was looking at an Exo Terra Dripper plant for this issue as i found the silk leaves dry out fast... Anyone used one?

The dripper plant will add a source of drinking water (assuming your cham decides to use it), but drippers don't really raise the cage humidity level very much...not enough splashing from such a small source. The more surfaces you have in the cage that catch and hold water droplets the more humid it will stay. Adding some plastic sheeting to the sides of your cage will also help.
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