MistKing Setup????


New Member
So I have two cages, one 2' x 2' x 4', the other is 3' x 3' x 5'. I am thinking about getting the MistKing Starter Misting System. I was wondering if it was a good idea to get the Zip Drip. Is it worth the extra $25? Also, how many nozzles do I need? Just two?
I use the starter system in a 36 by 24 cage, with one nozzle. I am thinking about getting the raindome part to add to it, but it's been working fine so far. I've had it about 6 months.
So I have two cages, one 2' x 2' x 4', the other is 3' x 3' x 5'. I am thinking about getting the MistKing Starter Misting System. I was wondering if it was a good idea to get the Zip Drip. Is it worth the extra $25? Also, how many nozzles do I need? Just two?

I have one nozzle in my 18x18x36 cage and it does fine, the new cage I'm putting together which is the 24x24x48 DIY cage will have two nozzles in it. You can also get the wedge pieces to use to put the nozzles through the screen. I will also be getting those too... I think they call them screen wedges?
I have the starter set up with 3 cages that are about 24x30x48, 2 nozzles in each cage, so 6 nozzles total. Works great. And I do agree no need for he zip drip, a few drips after misting is no big deal.

however, my set up is not the misting nozzles inside the cages. I set mine up as a rain set up because my guys prefer rain drops. So I did the set up described below, but with 2 nozzles on each. I bought the tubing at lowes and home depot and made it myself according to the design, but 2 arches going up with a nozzle each so you have 2 nozzles back to back basically.


I like the rain better and so do my boys.
I think I may do something similar. I'm setting up a larger cage for her, the 48" one, and I was going to use the screen wedge, and the normal single nozzle.
But, as I seem to be having hydration issues, maybe I should go to the 'rain' method instead.
Hmmmm. I need to think this through. I just bought a new Dragon cage and I'm looking forward to decorating it, as that's the fun part, not the screwing it together part!
food for thought

I live in the lower 48 states, and it was cheaper for me to buy mine from a dealer here in the states because of the shipping. Since you are from Alaska I really don't know how shipping will affect you, but something worth looking into. I got the starter set plus an extra nozzle cheaper than what I could get it from the manufacture in Canada. And right now they have it on sale for $95.00. I bought mine at LLLREPTILE. Only bought from them this one time, but they done me right. However I in no way indorse them, nor is this meant to be an advertisement for them just wanting to help a fellow cham lover out.;)
Yeah, I think I'll buy it from LLLReptiles. Shipping is only $4. I also ordered my two chams from them, they both arrived in excellent condition, so I trust them.
Here is what it looks like

7595.jpg You can get this one instead of the single one.
What does the double misting system upgrade exactly do?

it's basically two nozzles in one. and they take the price of the single one off of the double so you only pay the difference. I don't believe LLLREPTILE has this deal though unless they have changed it since I bought mine. But like I said I got the double mister plus the single one that came with the system for less money than the basic starter set do to the shipping cost.:D

But remember like xraygirl said if you are going to use two nozzles you need one of them to have a "T" connection. Unless of course you only plan to use the double nozzle then you only need a single connection, because they're connected into one piece. And I to find the zip drip to be a waste of money, and just more joints that could spring a leak. That reminds me the instructions which you will have to download from the internet. don't say to make sure the hose is all the way seated. but you must do this or it will leak, so wiggle and push until you feel it bottom out.
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